❝ I Don't Like Him ❞ | 🇷🇺 & 🇧🇾 | [Edited]

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⁂ Russia x America ⁂

| 🇷🇺 Russia⇾Female⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇧🇾 Belarus ⇾Cis Female⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇺🇸 America ⇾male⇾he/him/his | [mentioned]

| 🇵🇱 Poland ⇾Male⇾he/him/his | [mentioned]

► I don't ship this. I never this. The intended purpose of this chapter and the next chapter was to introduce myself into the CH fandom. |

░▒▓█►─═ third-person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

"I don't like him!" Russia denied, rolling her eyes at Belarus's determination. Bela was her younger sister and quite frankly one of the only "sibling's" who remained close to her after the Soviet Union dissolved. Naturally, she was going to be annoying and pick on her for things she didn't want to have conversations about as it's what little siblings do. It wasnt something out of the ordinary so having the other nag her about this sort of thing—love... crushes...partners—wasn't something she wasn't used to. The issue what that shed moved from nagging her about an actual ally—who shall go unnamed—to an enemy. America was her enemy, Soviet faught against him for 44 years, not only was the age difference concerning, but there was no possible way she'd share any sort of romantic connection at all with their history.

Belarus only giggled at her reply, mimicking her eye roll and shoving her arm with her shoulder. "But you do~" she teased, singing her words as she rolled her head in a clockwise direction. Russia shot her a death stare this time, crossing her arms and tilting her head to deny once more. Belarus sensing her annoyance decided to attempt to latch onto her arm, but in an instance of fight or flight, Russia simply pushed the smaller away and turned away from her.

"No, I don't. Now stop." She ordered, sticking her tongue out before walking away from her. Belarus huffed, running up behind her and once again latching onto her arm. Goodness did Russia hate how Bela knew she didn't want to hurt her. She knew for a fact she was using this soft spot for her advantage. She always did.

"Come on. You can tell me." She chuckled like a goofball as she pleaded once more. Russia tried shaking her off again, going more aggressive every second the other remained in place. One thing people misinterpreted about her sister was the fact she was no weakling. She knew your weakness and how to hurt you without leaving a physical scar. It was a trait Soviet taught her unintentionally; upon witnessing Ukraine's famine, Belarus was scarred into doing whatever it took to prevent it from happening to her too. This meant sneaking around and figuring out what set Soviet off more so she could manipulate him.

Russia hadn't thought she'd ever use this against her, but of course if you were a former Soviet colony it was all fight and no flight. Belarus wasn't backing down.

"If I tell you, will you leave me alone?!" She signed, finally pushing her off of her. Belarus nodded, making Russia bite the inside of her cheek. "Fine. I like him. It was an accident and it's not much. It's just a little high school crush sort of thing." She mumbled, hoping she had said it quietly enough that Belarus wouldn't hear. Yet, when Belarus had giggled and squealed, she knew she must've. This was probably one of the worst mistakes of her life but no turning back.

"Good to know." she smirked. Russia snickered, returning a smirk and leaning forwards so they were nose to nose.

"Now, about you and Poland..."

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