❝ Deal. ❞ | Soviet Union & Allies | [Edited]

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⁂ Soviet Union, America, Britain, and France make a deal to split Germany up ⁂

| ☭ Soviet Union⇾Male⇾he/him/his |

| 卐 Third Reich⇾ Female⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇺🇸 America ⇾ Male ⇾He/him/his |

| 🇫🇷 France⇾ Male ⇾He/him/his |

| 🇬🇧 Britain⇾ Female⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇩🇪 Germany⇾female⇾she/her/hers |

⇾ this is not historically accurate, no peace conference was ever issued so please do not rely on this for accuracy. Its for story purposes and was requested by anonymous. |

░▒▓█►─═ Third Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Soviet Union frowned, standing between the 3 other gentlemen in front of him. Excuse him, gentlemen and an out of place Britain who seeminly didn't want to be here. None of them wanted to be here, they only came because land was involved, but Britain especially was an angry thing. Each of them had a peace of the German Emblem in their hands and he just knew they weren't willing to give it up. Especially the American.

❝ I've already named my quarter. I can't give it up now. ❞ Britain spat, slamming her first on the table as she began to bargin with France.

❝ Mademoiselle, you really named it... ❞ France replied in annoyance, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. Britain looked quite stunned, raising her hand as thought she was ready to smack him at any given moment. Geez, these two just went through war together, they really couldn't keep their thoughts to themselves for a single moment? No. Because France was involved. Of course they couldn't.

Her. I named her. And her name is Freya, after Freyja. The Norse goddess of beauty. ❞ Britain said confidently, crossing her arms and moving her head to the side. Soviet shook his own, drifting his eyes between the two while letting out a long sigh and grumble.

❝ We can't keep going like this, ❞ he spoke up, darting towards the American who couldn't care less about the whole ordeal. If Soviet were honest, he didn't care either. He was mainly here for the sake of gaining more land and reputation against Germany, since he'd lost his share of Poland. ❝ Third would be pissed if she knew about this so we must maintain a low status. We don't know where she is or what she's doing becides the fact she surrendered her nation. ❞ he added, making the other hush down and for a second forget their anger.

❝ Here, Britain, let's do something here, ❞ America began, tapping Britain on the shoulder. She looked at him, nodding along and tapping her nails against the table while waiting for a response. ❝ Lets come to the favour of a revival of the German industry. ❞ he proposed, taking her hand and holding it as if to flatter her. ❝ I know you want to name it- erm, her Freya so we can do so, but if we merge our two spaces together and agree on the revival, the German's can feed themselves, ❞ he argued, cupping her hand in his. Britain hesitantly nodded, biting the side of her cheek.

❝ Sure... ❞ she replied. Though hesitant, they still made that deal. France looked between the two, snatching Britian's hand away from America's and glaring at him.

❝ What about me? ❞ he said harshly, squeezing the female's hand. ❝ Why am I not allowed? ❞

❝ You are, dont sweat it. We'll all agree upon this ❞

❝ I keep all of my side and berlin, correct? ❞ Soviet interrupted before France could make one more snappy remark.

❝ Correct. You claim East Germany and we claim West. ❞ America clarified, placing his hand straight in the center of the table and waiting for the rest to join. ❝ Deal? ❞

❝ Deal. ❞

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