❝ I'll Make it Up to You ❞ || 🇦🇩 × 🇲🇨

559 4 7

⁂ Andorra x Monaco ⁂

| 🇲🇨 Monaco⇾Cis Male ⇾he/him/his |

| 🇦🇩 Andorra⇾Female ⇾She/her/hers |

► Requested by @belaruscountryhumans

► Edited 2/7/23

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

     Monaco stopped dead in his tracks, turning around as his girlfriend pulled away from him and took off somewhere. He turned on his heel to look for her frantically, as he knew she couldn't handle being alone in a public space for a certain amount of time before getting overwhelmed. She was a bizarre thing, liked being around people and having fun but needed somebody's to go with her or else she'd curl into a ball and hide. To his pleasant surprise, she didn't run off at all. Actually, she was talking to a dog owner and hyping herself up for the big question 'Can i pet him'. He groaned, rolling his eyes and running after her just as she crouched to pet the tiny Maltese dog, allowing it to jump in her arms, lick, and play around.

     ❝ Come on Andorra... ❞ he sighed, placing a hand on her shoulder and gesturing they needed to leave. Well, they didnt need too but he wanted to get home. They'd been out all day and it was nearly time for sun set, he wanted to lay down. But of course she shook her head and kept petting and giggling at the little dog while the owner turned his attention to another person approaching.

     ❝ Awww... can we get one, Monaco! Pleaseeee?! ❞ She exclaimed, looking at Monaco and giving him a desprate look. Monaco didn't return that excitement, glaring at her with an offended yet confused glare as he tensed himself up.

     ❝ But, it'll take a while to train and we don't have that time. We need to finish school first. ❞ He argued, tugging her pocket book a little. Andorra huffed and put the puppy down on the ground gently, watching it go run off to jump on its owners leg to signal its return. She pouted, turning towards him with dissatisfaction written all over her face. He nearly felt bad. Nearly. ❝ I'll make it up to you. ❞ He grabbed her hand and pulled her. Not too hard but enough she moved. She raised a brow and moved a little quicker so she were standing directly next to her.

     ❝ Where are we going? ❞ She finally asked after moment of silence and awkward walking. Monaco hummed in response, smiling. He reached for her hand to grasp it.

     ❝ You'll see! ❞ He squeezed it and ran his thumb over hers reassuringly, or at least to satisfy her. She smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder as she observed around her. They were in the park section of the area, the second which Andorra always loved yet shopped too much to see the sunset. She always lost track of time, such an unfunny habit of hers. He could only hope she was happy or it took her mind off of the other thing, even for a few moments. He'd planned on taking her here before the puppy even came into the situation, but hey, a double win was a double win.

     ❝ Have I made it up to you yet? ❞ He asked, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. She looked up at him, not removing her head from his shoulder. So in a way she more tilted.

     ❝ Hmmm, maybe~ ❞ she giggled, looking back at the park. ❝ The sunset is beautiful.❞ she added a second later, reading her freehand up to 'cup' the half sun still remaining. Monaco chuckled, rolling his eyes. But her happiness didn't seem to last for long as she picked her head up and looked at him with another despaired look. ❝ I still want a dog! Please, amor meu! ❞ She snuck her language as well as accent in there on purpose because she knew he liked it and she knew he was more likely to lean on 'yes'. He was such a sucker for it, it was insane...

     ❝ When we settle down. ❞ he promised, remarking a squeal from her and a jump. Monaco knew this one of the biggest mistakes he could make, afterall they were nearing their collage graduation so it wasn't far until they could settle down and... get a dog... as he promised. But this was for her. This would be for her.

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