❝ The World Calls Him a Hero ❞ || 🇨🇦🇺🇦🌹🌼

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⁂ Canada and Ukraine's daughter—Rose—is hanging out with Hei—South Korea and Britain's son—and talks about her deceased father Canada. ⁂

| 🇺🇦 Ukraine⇾Cis female ⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇨🇦 Canada⇾Cis male ⇾ he/him/his |

| 🌹 Rose⇾Cis Female ⇾he/him/his |

| 🌼 Hei⇾Cis male ⇾ he/him/his |

► Editing as of 6/7/23 }

►  Edited as of 7/7/23 }

► This is sort of in reference to the Russian-Ukrainian war. I don't state it exactly nor go into details but it is assumed that's what I'm talking about. To be clear, this oneshot was written prior to the war happening so originally there was no ideas even of it at all but when reading it it can seem like it's implied. }

► Again, not my best writing. }

► Rose and Hei are close friends, they don't feel romantical attraction. The kiss to her forehead is a gesture of reassurance and friendship, it means nothing romantically. }

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

With a sigh, Rose slipped the final rose into her flower crown and placed it oj Hei's lap as a gearure she was giving it to him. The flowers weren't real, even though she wanted them to be, as her mom said no to picking the thorns off of real roses today, but the crown itself was purely made by her. She really wasn't in the mood to speak as she usually was because her father's death anniversary was around the corner, but around Hei, she could manage a social interaction without bursting into anger. Plus the smile he gave her once he picked up the crown and hugged her meant a lot.

Hei and her decided to escape to a waterfall by her local park while Ukraine distracred South Korea and Britain with all her paintings. Well, Ukraine was not apart of the escape, she purely just loved babbling about her art works. The two didn't live near in other—in fact, she lived in Ottawa with her mom while Hei lived in London with his parents—so it was a get away and pretty much a reunion for them. She talked to him daily on the phone, but his school schedule as well as father's strict phone rules have limited their interactions. It was their time.

 ❝ Thank you! ❞ He exclaimed, a hint of his mother's accept slipping through, before pulling away from the hug and giving her a small pat on the shoulder to symbolise he was proud of her. Rose couldn't help but smile and grabbed both his hands to hold them in hers. She gave them a little squeeze then looked down at them and allowing a small frown to form out of her lips.

❝ May I tell you something? ❞ She mumbled, it sounding more like a statement than a question. Hei brought her closer to him by tugging on her mid arm then wrapped an arm around her shoulder for a side-hug. The flowers of Rose's flower crown slid off her head and tapped him lightly on the head as she looked at the water.

❝ Is there something wrong? ❞ He asked, resting his head on hers. She shook her head gently so it wouldn't disturb him or make it seem like she wanted him off. She wanted to be in a hug right now.

❝ Kind of... you know my father? ❞ She asked. Hei picked his head off of hers and nodded, trying to look her in the eyes but upon her gaze down he only followed it instead to the water.

❝ How could I not? My mom talks about him all the time. ❞ he hummed slightly like he tried to lighten the darkening tension. Rose sighed. She positioned her arms so they were behind her and she could lean back a little. She could feel her arms shake like they would snap at any moment but she tried not to show that to him. He didn't need to worry about her.

❝ You know he passed... Right? ❞ She asked, only to see an ashamed head shake. But she wasn't mad at him for not knowing. The two were young when the accident occurred, she wasn't upset nobody told him the truth. It was hard explaining death to a child as it is, it was especially hard when your parents were traumatised from death due to their history and struggled to cope themselves. You end up ignoring the situation to protect yourself from hurting. ❝ He died protecting my mother during the war. She and him were newly weds right before it began. My father protected her from him. He did everything he could to help her but ended up passing in the process. ❞ she mumbled, giving a small sniff and a very shakey breath. Hei cupped her chin and tilted her to look at him before giving her a small kiss on her forehead. He was always expressive physically, this wasn't out of the ordinary. She quite liked it, it made her feel special 

❝ He's a hero for us all... Thats what I've been told. ❞ he gave her a small smile to try and reassure her. She nodded,

❝ Thats the thing... The world calls him a hero, ❞ she mumbled, moving his hand so it would leave her chin and looked away from him, ❝ While I call him dad. ❞

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