❝ Nightmares. ❞ || 🇺🇸 × 🇰🇷 [edited]

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⁂ America × South Korea ⁂

| America⇾Female⇾she/her/hers |

| South Korea⇾female⇾she/her/hers |

| Japan Empire⇾Male⇾He/Him/his |

| North Korea⇾Male⇾he/him/his |

| Washington⇾Female⇾she/her/hers | [mentioned]

| Soviet Union⇾female⇾she/her/hers |

➯ Some lesbians for y'all since I don't write many g×g couples. |

➯ Gyeunghui is SK's human name, countryhumans typically refer to one another in their human names if its not country related. For example; America calls South by her human name in stanza 4 because she's talking to the actual person, not about the country. But on stanza 5, SK refers to JE as Japanese Empire, because she's referring to the countryhuman and what he'd done to her. |

░▒▓█►─═ America's POV ═─◄█▓▒░

I was working on some paperwork for one of my states who were currently sick. We weren't sure what was wrong with her exactly, the only thing I remember from that night was her waking up crying and shaking to the point where she practically knocked her back herself out from exhaustion. Upper further investigation, she had a wicked high fever, its really worrisome speaking she hasn't eaten a proper meal in days. So I did as any representative would and took matters into my own hands by doing her work for her. I didn't mind, of course! She's practically like my child so I didnt mind helping her out when she needed it.

While I was busy, itisn't  like im the only person who needed a destresser, so I'd invited South—one of my closest allies and best friends—over to spend some time with her. What turned into a few hours of giggling, gossiping, playing games, whageved you'd imagine resulted on her sleeping on the bed behind me. Didnt mind that either It's been a tough week. We've both struggled with paper work and our countries, she even did a whole report on suicide and depression in her country within 3 days, it was insane what she was capable of. Once she finallt fell asleep, I decided to work more because I thought it would be beneficial in getting more free time tomorrow.

After a few more minutes of pure silence aside from the pen being dragged along the paper and mt grunted when I made a mistake, I heard a small gasp from behind me. Gasp? Wouldn't even describe it that way—It was more like a wail. I instantly dropped my pen, I can tell you that, and spun my chair around to look at South wrapping her blanket around herself and curling in a ball.

❝ Gyeong? ❞ I whisperer, hesitatly standing and looking over the bed frame to see her in some clear confusion. I quickly ran over to her after that and sat on the bed, wrapping my arms around her to hold her in a cradled position. It wasn't hard to fully wrap my arms around her or cradle her because she's much tinier than I am, but its pureply due to our land areas. Her country is the size of Pennsylvania, for crying out loud. She leaned into my chest, hugging my neck and nuzzling into my collar bone.

❝ J... Japanese empire... I-I dont w-want him to do it again. I don't want to see him ever again. ❞ She wept.  The only thing I could assume was she had a nightmare about the colonization of Korea. She's had a lot of nightmares recently, and I suppose it's due to stress and work anxiety. 

People don't ever acknowledge the colonization, even though it playd a huge role in their history. The mass murders, rapes, burns, abuse, manipulation, wipe out, everything is just ignored. I've never understood it, but of course, there's much I don't understand and refuse to remember about my own country too.

❝ He's long gone, Gye. I wouldn't let him touch you even if he were alive... What he did to you was wrong and you should never be touched like ever again unless you want to, remember that. ❞ I started running my pointed finger up and down the side of her face and used my other hand to rub continuous circles on her palm as I spoke. Even though the middle of sobbing she gave me a slight smile,

❝ Thank you... ❞

❝ You mean a lot to me, you know that, right? ❞ I chuckled, swirching the subjrct to a lighter note was my speciality. She giggled, rolling her eyes and moving her head away from me like she was surprised.

❝ Right. ❞

❝ And I wont let your brother, or Soviet, or Japan Empire harm you again, you know that right? ❞

❝ Right. ❞

❝ And I love you, you know that right? ❞ She giggled again. It was contagious—I couldn't help but chuckle myself as she answered.

❝ Right. ❞

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