❝ Was It Really Worth It? ❞ || 🇫🇮 × ☭

152 7 7

⁂ Finland × Soviet Union ⁂

| 🇫🇮 Finland ⇾ Cis Male ⇾ He/Him/His |

| ☭ Soviet Union ⇾ Cis Male ⇾He/Him/His |

Requested By; @/Sharkzter

Total Word Count; 2641

►  Word Count Excluding Everything Above the POV; 2314

General Plot Idea; Finland and the Soviet Union are not exactly in the greatest relationship. Sitting at the table together doesn't feel the same anymore. }

► That is pretty much it— Finland and Soviet have a table interaction except it's sad and boring. I of which think this is really a toxic relationship like requested, I think it's more two people who aren't in love trying to keep somewhat of a relationship even though it isn't working. }

► What I'm thinking on doing is this is not going to be the final oneshot containing these two or this requested plot. I want to make something that actually has the key elements of what was asked for because this I don't think made the mark. And the ending is awesome—It's so underwhelming. But because I already finished and edited this, I might as well get something out in the same so I'm not completely neglecting this book or the request. }

► There is no set time period for this, just sometime after World War II but before 1991 because I refer to East Germany. So ranking between 1940–1991. }

► Swear warning lol- }

► I know I'm doing requests a little out of order, I'm currently working on a harem with UK, then a story about UK and Child¡Canada. If I'm missing yours, just let me know. }

► Again, so sorry for how long this took me and the fact is isn't even that good. }

►─═ Third-Person POV [🇫🇮] ═─◄

     Finland can't accurately remember the last time he could touch Soviet and not have it be full of rage or because he was too intoxicated to understand where the line was drawn. The line was always crossed when they were too intoxicated to even walk straight or speak without slurring. He found it something to laugh at. The fact one thing that hasn't changed over the decades was their desires and their funny concept of pleasure. It was only ever enjoyable if they were too drunk to remember they were not in love anymore. It was only ever enjoyable if they both imaged the other person as someone else and hallucinated any body else touching them. It was not so enjoyable when the sun hit them the next morning and knew within the next few minutes an argument would be arising for the smallest inconvenience. 

     Even if Finland was not the reason for Soviet's wrath and Soviet was not the reason for Finland's, when the curtain is closed they only have each other to direct their anger towards, that's exactly what they'll do. They result in blaming the only other person in the room, the only person who will willingly take a hit and not fight back. There was not a day that went by where either heard the yells and cries and of one another. Yet not a single night, that went by where Finland was blinded by yet another kiss.

     Yet after everything, here they still would be, sitting in their old crappy dining room chairs with a big bottle of vodka and the mindset of a six-year-old who's at his wine aunt's house for the night and was given the opportunity to drink as much soda as he wanted. It was their nightly ritual, typically. That is, if Soviet returned home early enough, or even returned home at all. 

    Finland also found it laughable how many times he told himself he was done after another argument. He would run away with no place to actually go, realize how dumb it was to agree to move away with Soviet, go back to get his stuff, only to be guided to the sound of Soviet's scripted apologies. But then Soviet apologizes through a kiss, offer him a drink, and whisper in his ear how things will change once this was over. And he believes it. He was too scared of being alone, so he felt no choice but to believe. He was never sure what this was, but it being unknown made it even more anticipating and exciting to him.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2023 ⏰

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