"We'll Split It Into Two." | No Ship |

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⁂ France and Spain are fighting over Hispaniola ⁂




⇾Yes, I'm making my own country a bad person in this because every country has their mean moments. Expecially during the 1600-1700 when the Europeans came over to the new world and forced the natives away|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Hispaniola looked between the two countries fighting for her, backing away with fear as the argument grew heated,

"Hispaniola wants to come with me, right Darling?" Spain asked, looking her way. But her stare more peirced through Hispaniola's eyes as her chest twisted.


No she didn't. 

She didn't want to go with anybody.

But she wasnt sure how she could say that,


"Silly, Spain..." France cut in, her words sounding venomous, "She doesn't want to be apart of your pity colony..." she rolled her eyes, "I'm better than you and she deserves better." She clicked her tongue. Spain's eyes shot towards her. Or at least the one visible eye. The other was hidden by her eyepatch, and although nobody knew what happened nobody dared to ask,

"Excuse me... I am not shitty-"

"Pity." France scoffed. Spain wiped out her sword from the holder on her hip and waved it towards her,

"I dont care what you said. Hispaniola doesnt want you." Spain remarked, moving her sword closer to the female in front of her. France bit her top lip to try and hold her laugher in,

"You're so threatening..." she sighed, not believing it, "I have a deal... we split Hispaniola in half." She offered. Hispaniola's mind raced as she tried backing into the wall,

"N-no..." she whispered to herself, knowing she was going to die if they agreed on that. She also knew Spain would take whatever she got, and  would most likely agree.

It was no surprise to her when she did,

"Alright, pesky human. I'll take the east side. You take the west." She said, walking towards Hispaniola with her sword. Hispaniola shrieked trying to pull herself away as Spain gripped onto her hair and pulled her.

France snickered, grabbing Hispaniola's arm and pulled the other way. The tugging earned a terrifying scream from the country being pulled apart, and pain to welm inside of her.

Within moments of the pulling and tugging, Hispaniola was no longer there and in her place was two baby girls.

Saint Domingue 

and Santo Domingo.

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