❝ I'm Sorry, Want a Coffee? ❞ | 🇰🇿 × 🇦🇺 | [edited]

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⁂ Kazakhstan × Australia ⁂

| 🇰🇿 Kazakhstan ⇾Female ⇾ she/her/hers |

| 🇦🇺 Australia ⇾ Male ⇾ he/him/his |

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Australia hadn't looked when he ran full speed before kicking the ball. To be genuine, he didnt believe he needed to because the coast was clear when he'd done so moments previously. Yet, the sound of it stopping suddenly and the shriek of another person definetly made it clear he either made a huge mistake, or somebody was just acting idiotic. Boy did he hope it was the second option, how would he explain the first to his mother?

 ❝ Oh my goodness- Kaz? Are you pkay? ❞ Australia gasped, sprinting over to the younger girl now on the ground and holding her left wing close to her chest. A book layed becide her, which Australia picked up before sitting down and placing a gentle hand on her back. ❝ Sorry. I didn't see you there. ❞ he said apologetically, bringing her into a ligjt hug. Kazakhstan shook her hand to signal to him it was alright but her face still remained twisted with a mix of pain and shock, not to mention she was holding her wing as though it was her life line.

❝ Its okay, I shouldn't have been so stupid and put my book down. It just hurts. ❞ she mumbled, leaning her head on his shoulder for some support. She slumped onto him, soon leaning her entire body onto his and using her left wing to pat him on the shoulder. Australia hugged her tighter and chuckled awkwardly.

❝ That was my bad! ❞ He apologized again, nodding this time. Kazakhstan shook her head looking up at him with a more concerned face this time.

❝ Aussie, its fine, ❞ she repeated, puffing her cheeks out for a second. ❝ They've been through worse. ❞ she added, looking down at her hands as she began to fiddle. Australia raised a brow at this, placing his hand on her chin to tilt it up.

❝ What does that mean? ❞ he questioned. Kazakhstan shrugged, blushing slightly though unnoticeably.

❝ I'm a former Soviet state, ❞ she began, rolling her eyes half way before darting them towards his eyes again. ❝ Hit with a ball? Ask any of my half-siblings, they'll tell you they've been or seen a lot worse than that. ❞

❝ Hey... How about I buy you a coffee, huh? We can talk about this in a more non-exposed place. ❞ Australia offered, pushing her away gently to stand up. He then reached his arm out to offer her hand and warmly smiled. Kazakhstan hesitated but seconds later greatfully took his hand and squealed quietly when he hoised her up.

❝ Gee, do I have a lot to tell you. ❞

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