"Goodbye, My Friend." | United States × Russian Empire |

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⁂ America × Russian Empire ⁂

|Main Character ⇾ 🇺🇸United States⇾Female⇾she/her/hers|

|Main Character ⇾ 🇷🇺Russian Empire⇾female⇾she/her/hers|

|Side Character  ⇾ 🇷🇺Tsardom⇾Female⇾she/her/hers|

| Side Character ⇾ ☭ Soviet Union⇾female⇾she/her/hers|

⇾ Angst/sensitive topic warning [not really]. I know you gave a scenario, but I wanted some history in here. The Russian Empire did not collapse as quickly as this chapter goes. Fitting 3 years into one chapter though wouldn't work.|

⇾ Don't mind the fact I put Russia's flag as Russian Empire. It was bothering me that not both of them had a flag by their name.|

⇾ During the time the Russian Empire had fallen, United States was the representation of the US. It wasn't until after WW2 when United had been attacked by the Empire of Japan that she died and her son, America, was the newest representation.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with Russian Empire] ═─◄█▓▒░

"15 million people had left?" 

Russian Empire gave her two daughters, Tsardom and Soviet Union, a glare as Tsardom explained what was going on in their empire at the moment and what their people were doing. By the looks on their face, the twins could tell something wasnt right. Soviet  rolled her eyes, crossing her arms in the process while Tsardom seemed to be trembling.

"Yes, Mother. 15 million people had just joined the military to go fight in WWI," She repeated. Russian Empire huffed on amusement, getting up from her desk. She walked over towards the window in her office and looked out to the now dead streets of her once bustling home. From the reflection of her children through the window, she noticed Soviet nod in agreement,

"But there are concerns." She said, looking towards her mother, "No farmers are here to crop, no people are here to work in factories. Nobody's  hear to work for crops and factories, we're all at risk of starvation." She explained. Russian Empire sighed, tightening the golden wrapping around her wings,

"What shall we do?" She asked, as if her children would know. She was the representation for the Russian Empire, why would her children know more than her? All she knew was she had to figure out a way to save her country,

"Have a meeting with whoever is left in the town. See if we can gather more peope into one area to spread the population that way." Tsardom suggested. Russian Empire took that into consideration, however kept space for whatever Soviet suggested. In the end, Soviet hadn't said a word, nor does anything think she wants too,

"Well... before we take any action, I want to visit a friend of mine." She said,  turning from her window to face the children. Soviet didn't look as if she cared, which Russian Empire knew from the start she didn't care. Soviet only wanted power. She wanted to rule the country once her mother passed, which Russian Empire already told her she could receive, but she knew the twins would most likely still fight for the rule of the empire,

"How long should you be gone for?" Tsardom asked, looking at her. Russian Empire shrugged, not sure herself when she would return, 

"I don't know. You two just stay out of trouble." She warned, walking towards the door. Soviet spread her wings out gently, which was her usual way of saying she was done with this meeting. Who could blame her? Wouldn't you be dying to get out of a meeting discussing the possible death of your mother? Especially when that possible death of your mother might result in a whole empire being put upon you.

▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with America] ═─◄█▓▒░

United States sighed to herself, placing her pointer and middle finger on her temples. A war was breaking out between Europe after somebody had killed Austria-Hungary's leader. Of course Austria-Hungary took it upon herself to blame Serbia for the wreck and declared war againist her, and now Europe was a hell hole. United was about done trying until she heard a knock on her door. She knew she couldn't ignore whoever it was due to the fact if she had it might make the tensions going on already worse.

"Come in." She called, moving her position so she looked more professional. She would be lying if she said she wasn't surprised by the Russian Empire to appear in the doorway,

"Uhm, good afternoon, Ms. States." she greeted. United nodded as if to signify the good afternoon back towards her,

"Good Afternoon. What brings you here?" She asked, signaling for her to come in. Russian Empire did as told, coming inside and lightly closing the door behind her. America got up from her chair and walked towards the corner of the room where another chair was. She pulled it out and walked towards her desk, placing the chair in front of it and facing where she was, "You may sit if you'd like." She offered. Russian Empire shook her head,

"I'm here to discuss something with you," she began, moving her gaze towards the chair, "and no thank you. I would rather not sit." She declined. United nodded,

"Alright. What would you like to discuss?" She questioned, placing her palms on the tips of her desk to lean her back agaist it. By the look Russian Empire's face, something was wrong with her.

"Well, WWI is breaking out, as you know." She began, waking a little closer towards her. United nodded, growing with all suspicion, concern and worry,

"Yeah, I'm well aware." She replied, "Austria seemed angry." She added. Russian Empire nodded in agreement, 

"That's why we're in this mess." She said, answering the second remark Unired had made, "But on a side note, my country right now is predicting a major food shortage." She explained. United nodded to signify she was listening, which noted to Russian Empire to keep speaking, "Which... Means if our country goes under a food shortage, I could starve to death." She finished. United looked at her, unable to process herself what was going to happen,

"And, your children?" She asked. If she were being honest, she couldn't care less about Soviet. The girl only wanted power. She couldn't care less about anything else. If Russian Empire were to die, Tsardom was at risk of death. Death by her own sister,

"The kids can defend themselves," Russian Empire responded, "I'm not such a horrible mother that they would die the moment I do. I taught them how to work. How to cook. How to defend themselves. "They'll be fine," she explained. However, she paused to look at United. "But," she continued, "If they can't, I request you take good care of them."

"So, is this a goodbye?" She asked as Russian Empire turned on her heel to walk towards the door. Russian Empire Empire shurgged, 

"Never say goodbye, for we'll meet again. One day I'll see you in the after life and we'll be one together." She rephrased, sending a slight shiver down United spine,

"Goodbye, My Friend. Or should I say, see you later."

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