"Not all 3 can have 1." | Ths Angel Haram |

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⁂ Kazakhstan, Russia and America all fight over South Korea ⁂

|Main Character⇾ 🇰🇷South Korea⇾Trans Male⇾he/him/his|

|Main Character⇾ 🇰🇿Kazakhstan⇾Female⇾she/her/hers|

|Main Character⇾ 🇷🇺Rossiya⇾Female⇾she/her/hers|

|Main Character⇾ 🇺🇸America⇾Male⇾he/him/his|

|Side Character ⇾ 🇷🇺Russia⇾Female⇾she/her/hers|

|Side Character ⇾ 🇰🇵North Korea⇾Male⇾he/him/his|

⇾I'm going to call this the Angel harem, because in my headcanon South Korea has angel wings due to the peace and purity of the white on his flag. The flags takes up a huge proportion of his flag too, so that's the main reason I have this headcanon.|

⇾not that this matters, but South Korea is 165cm, Rossiya is 178cm, Kazakhstan is 182cm and America is 183cm. I just figured having heights added would make it a little easier to visualize, but it has nothing to do with the story.|

⇾Rossiya represents the people|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with Rossiya] ═─◄█▓▒░

"Stop staring." Russia's voice snapped her right out her thoughts. Rossiya turned her head to look at her, shooting her a disapproving glare,

"What the hell." She barked, crossing her arms and keeping her eyes firmly on her shorter sister, "I wasn't staring." She denied, rolling her eyes and clicking her tongue. She could tell by the glare she gave her she knew it was a lie. It was plainly obvious it was.

"Yes. you were. Stop staring at him. You don't stand a chance when America already likes him." Russia said, turning to look back down at her book despite the sad face her sister was showing. Rossiya wanted to rip the book out of her hands and wack her with it, but stayed calm. Instead, she turned on her heel to look back at the thing she was staring at.

South Korea.

I mean, how she ended up falling for him was far beyond her, but he was just adorable. The way he talked was so cute and she adored him in every way.

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with North Korea] ═─◄█▓▒░

North noticed the way Rossiya looked at them. No, not him actually, his brother. The way she looked at him made him want to punch her in the nose and yell at her to leave them alone.

He hates the Russian twins. They act as if they're the only twins around, and use people. If she was thinking the same thing he was, she was going to get payback. Unlike South had, he wouldn't grow to like her if they got together. He didn't have it in him to like her. South trying to like China and get closer to her when her and him got together was hihis choice, and his choice would always be no,

"Hey, North. You spaced out." North blinked his eyes a few times, tilting his head to see South sitting next to him. He smiled as he placed a gentle hand on his hurt shoulder. His hurt shoulder. The shoulder he could barely move after an incident. South knew better than to put the full weight if his hand on it, and North knew that he knew,

"Sorry. My bad." He replied, trying to pay no attention to Rossiya staring at him from behind. The giggle coming from his brother though made his thoughts disappear,

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