"Work." | Britain × Reader |

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⁂ Britain × Reader ⁂







|🇮🇪Northern Ireland⇾Female|

⇾I dont usually write × reader, but one of my friends wanted more countryhumans × male/non-binary reader, so I write this for them!|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Britain slammed the keys on the table as she walked into her one bedroom apartment that she shared with her husband [y/n], her oldest daughters Scotland and London, middle children England and Wales, and their youngest daughter Northern Ireland.

She bad just worked a 16 hour shift  5am to 9pm, and it doesn't seem like a lot at first, but once you get into it and rush hour it doesn't stop and it's a nightmare. She had been the only one in today, because Lithuania needed to care for her sick son, Vilnius, Germany has been having some difficulties controling herself after running out of her ADHD medication so she decided to use her vacation time to get herself back together, and Denmark was working outside and was the only one doing so, so she had to stay there,

"Hey, Love." She mumbled to her husband, who was sitting on the couch, craddling their youngest daughter Northern Ireland. [Y/n] looked up at her. He seemed surprised to see her home so late,

"Hey. Are you okay?" He asked, gently placing Northern Ireland down on the couch to get up and walk towards her. She couldn't resist leaning into him as he wrapped his arms around her waist and pull her closer. She hesitetly nodded, rubbing her index and middle finger gently on her temples,

"For the most part. How are the kids?" She shrugged, placing her head gently on his shoulder,

"Mh, what happened?"  He asked, her, "They're good. Wales got a splinter in his wing and Scotland hit England on the head, but she's doing alright." He replied to her. Britain nodded, nuzzling her nose lightly onto his neck. She did as he did, swaying side to side upon feeling him do the same,

"Long day. I was the only one inside," she explained, "Bur Denmark was the only one outside, so I feel bad for her." She added in a sympathetic voice. [Y/n] nodded, 

"Mhm, I bet it was. How about we get some sleep." He offered. Today was one of those days where Britain couldn't deny that she wanted rest. She pulled away from him and walked towards the couch. Once she reached it, she picked up Northern Ireland in a bridal position, going as slow as she could so she wouldn't wake her. [Y/n] followed her not long after, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder once she finished picking Northern up,

"Let's go to bed now." She said, giving [y/n] a gentle kiss on the cheek. [Y/n] chuckled, nodding in agreement. 

Once they were in bed, [y/n] had his hands placed gently on Britain's waist as she hugged Northern Ireland, who was in between whem, close to her chest. Britian was out like a light. The moment her head touched the pillow, she felt releived that the day was over.

However, she really wished she could've given her husband one last 'I love you' before she fell asleep.

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