"Caught, Shot, and presumed dead." | No Ship |

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⁂ States just being states. ⁂ 

| Alaska⇾Cis Male⇾he/him/his/he's/himself | 

| Alaskiana⇾Cis Female⇾she/her/hers/shes/herself |

| Hawai'i⇾Cis Female⇾she/her/hers/shes/herself |

⇾ I don't know much about the US States outside of New Hampshire and Washington [yeah, I'm actually a little bit obsessive when it comes to States, unlike countries] so stick with me for this one. |

⇾ I named Female Alaska "Alaskiana" because I can't come up with original names. |

⇾ Hitmen AU, where United States (the mother of America) is the boss of her states and pays them to go out and kill those who owe her money or who challenge her. Alaska and Alaskiana are the last 2 members to join after United States had offered to hide them from their abusive mother in an exchange for them to join her. Because of their abusive mother they've learned tricks about how to stay quiet and manipulate which eventually leads them to be the best hitmen United had ever had. Hawai'i, a police officer, who is also their childhood friend, catches and holds the two of them hostage one day while she tries to manipulate them into joining her instead.|

⇾This is set in the state of Hawai'i because that's where I felt it made sense.|

⇾ Word Count; 2105.|

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV [Overview] ═─◄█▓▒░

Alaska and Alaskiana were known as the greatest hitmen in the country. They had first made their appearance when United States and California had found Alaskiana smoking in "her" ally way. Instead of running, she had challenged California into a fight where she had won despite her small size. The fight was what brought her into the room where she would be asked to do United a favour, and agree as long as her brother could join. The next thing the twins knew, they were sneaking out of their abusive mother's home to go back to United and join their gang without even realizing what they were really there for.

The two had been labelled as the "best hitmen United had ever had" after Alaskiana convinced a police officer she was in love with him just to kill him after he brought her home. They were both breaking the law, but that was the goal of what she was doing. After being caught by police hiding in his house once they had heard the gunshot, Alaska played the role of a fake police officer to sneak her out where the two were never seen by police again. 

The arrest didn't matter to United. It was the killing and escape that gained the twins the attention. 

But it also gained Hawai'i attention.

She was working with the Hawaiian police, had been for 7 years before the news of the Alaskan twin's disappearance and the murder of her co-worker. She worked nights and days to try and figure out what happened to him. She knew the weapon; a gun. Where it happened; his home. Who did it; Kaisha Miki. Her charges; life in prison. But it was the matter of why Alaskiana had done it and where she went that was driving her insane. 

The state had told them Alaskiana had passed away due to a heart attack which is why she was removed from her cell to try and calm the people of Hawai'i down, but Hawai'i knew that was a straight-up lie to calm the panic down. A grave with the name of "Kaisha Miki" was nowhere to be found within the islands of Hawai'i or anywhere within the mainland of where Alaskiana came from. It made sense to her she had escaped but still wandered within the streets of her home.

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