"This is what we like to call 'a disaster'" | No Ship |

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⁂ Germany x Turkey ⁂



|Sweden⇾Non-Binary (SAB; Male)|

|Iceland⇾Transgender + Transsexual Male|




|Finland⇾Trans Female|

|Ukraine⇾Non-Binary (SAB; Female)|

|North Cyprus⇾Female|

⇾it's like a European Party, except everything is on fire because this is Europe.|

⇾Overall, I had fun with this one. I made my fellow neighboring countries crack heads and I never thought I would be so happy doing that|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Germany sighed in frustration, pushing his glasses up his nose. 

The dinner party was what we like to call a disaster. It was probably the definition of disaster at this rate.

Somebody broke the pool table.

Ukraine broke their mother's computer trying to put the fire out from the kitchen. Nobody knew where the fire even came from. Everybody just blamed Italy, even though she wasnt even here. It was the best excuse because it was believable due to her clumsiness 

Russia was teasing Belarus about Norway. Norway was best described as crying in the corner stuffing cake into his mouth while Belarus was screaming at her sister.

Finland was throwing cake at Sweden, and Sweden was not happy with her. They looked like they were about to throw something at her, which obviously meant trouble. Nobody messed with Finland, even if she messes with you first.

When they actually did attack her, Finland let out a painful yelp which alerted Iceland. Iceland pushed them off and so the three started fighting.

Fun ain't it?

Come to Europe they said.

It'll be fun they said.

Turkey knew this would end in hell. He knew his European neighbors. They couldn't keep their mouths shut and stop fighting for more than 5 minutes.

But that's what he loved about them.


But now, Turkey was watching the chaos unfold, holding North Cyprus in is arms. She was fussing to be let go, but he wasn't dumb. He didn't want her to get her in the chair also known as a European Party.

"Turkey...?" Germany placed his hand on Turkey's shoulder to grab his attention, alerting the taller country,

"Oh, Germany... hi..." he mumbled, turning to look at him. North cyprus huffed in defeat, giving up on trying to get out of his grasp,

"Hello... So, about the party..."

"I'm quite aware," Turkey interrupted, "How's Finland doing?"

"Sweden punched her-"

"Thank you, Germany, but I was there to see that." he interrupted once again, earning an annoyed huff from Germany,

"Sweden punched her so now shes bandaged up and-"

"Let me guess, she's back st throwing cake." Turkey knee Finland all too well. He knew she wouldn't learn and just go back to what she was doing.

"Close, but now she's throwing books." Germany clarified. Turkey nodded,

"And how about Ukraine?" 

"She's relaxing from the fire."




"Right." Germany nodded. Turkey sighed, 

"You know, Ger," Turkey began, walking towards him, North Cyprus now asleep cradled in his arms,


"We should talk more often." he finished. Germany nodded in agreement,

"Oh, sure." he mumbled. Turkey chuckled, giving him a kiss on the lips,

"Great. Meet me at the park on Wednesday at 3pm. You in?" he stated, no stutter, no hesitation. Germany felt his cheeks go bright red as he stood there in shock,


"Great. Now go help Russia. I think Belarus is strangling her."

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