❝ Family Moment ❞ || 🇰🇷🇰🇵🌸

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⁂ Small family moment with Jeguk, Nabi and their kids ⁂

| 🐅 Korean Empire ⇾Cis Male ⇾He/him/his ► Father |

| 🌊 Nabi ⇾Cis Female ⇾She/her/hers ► Mother |

| 🇰🇷 Kyung-soo ⇾Trans demiboy ⇾ he/they/him/his ► eldest triplet |

| 🇰🇷 Ae-cha ⇾ Cis Female ⇾she/her/hers ► middle triplet |

| 🇰🇵 Jae-sung⇾Cis Male ⇾ he/him/his ► younger triplet |

| 🌸 Bada ⇾Cis Female ⇾she/her/hers ► elder twin |

| ☁️ Minseo ⇾Cis Female ⇾she/her/hers ► younger twin |

► In editing as of 8/7/23 }

► this is the AU family I have for the Koreas. South Korea [Kyung-soo], North Korea [Jae-sung], and Chosŏn [Ae-cha] are triplets who are older than Achim [Minseo] and United Korea [Bada] while the other 2 girls are twins. ❤️ }

► This AU occurs prior to colonization which is why they're all referred to by the Human Names I gave them rather than their country names. }

► The triplets in this are all 7 while the twins are only 2.

► "Nabi" will later form Colonial Korea but the family does not address her as such as it hasn't happened yet. }

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

     Korean Empire fustraitedly sighed as he walked in his house and instantly kicked his shoes off. He closed the door behind him by kicking his foot back while slipping his hat off his head and setting it on the coat rack becides the door. It felt damn good to finally be home and know he can finally rest. His work day was utterly awful, and not awful like nobody and their job and he had to do everything. No, no. It awful as in there was so much to get done yet so little time to do it. He knew going into it that it was a consistent job, no task would be completed without a side task or an extra rule added mid-way through because somebody forgot to tell you originally, but he took it because it paid. He'd been running around the office all day, making copies, signing paperwork, bring coffee to his coworkers, bringing his coworkers copies, brining them lunch, paperwork, meeting with his boss, meeting with his secretary, fixing a computer, fixing another computer, filing a complaint—He did it all. And had to close so he had to stay later. It just sucked. If he didn't need the money he would've been gone a while ago.

     He looked around for any sign of his family...wife, daughters, son, anybody...to greet but he wasn't expecting much as it was rather late. To mention there were no lights on, not even the small lamp next to the sofa, a small clue to him either nobody has been in the mainroom since sunset and were awake someplace else or they all went to bed early. The first option was far more likely.

     He noticed a small movements out of the corner of his eye to his left. It took him a moment as he squinted to adapt to the surrounding areas in the dark but eventually to his non surprise he made out Nabi, once again asleep on the couch with their youngest child, Minsei, cuddled against her waist and the youngers head resting on her chest. His wife was on her side, her arm wrapped around the baby's back and her other hand cupping the back of her head as though to protect it. He smiled, rubbing his eyes to keep himself awake before heading over as quietly as he could to not make a sound.

     He leaned forwards, placing a gentle kiss on Nabi's forehead and rubbed the back of his smallest child where Nabi was not holding. Minseo stirred but thankfully hadn't awoken. The last thing he needed was for her to cry and wake up her mother. He didn't know what she went through during the day but taking care of 5 kids was enough of a sign she needed her sleep at night. It most likely wasn't easy, but he adored her so much for her loving nature and willingness to push through the day with so much on her plate.

     He then went to venture off and find the rest of his children, starting in his room which he shared with Nabi (of course) and the twins. He peered in with pure curiosity. His is light was on, surprisingly, to instantly reveal Bada asleep on their bed, curled into his blanket. Her toy dolls (that she had about 12 of) were sprawled out all around her, some next to, some by her feet, one by her head, and one nuzzled into her neck that she appeared to have a death grip on. Some other toys such as blocks, crayons, drawings she must've made, and chalk were all over the floor by the twin's beds, creating quite a clutter but he would clean it before he left for work tomorrow.

     Korean Empire couldn't help but smile, closing the door to let his little one sleep. Now for the triplets.

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