❝ Complaining. ❞ || 🇰🇷🇰🇵

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⁂ North Korea complains to South Korea and Chosŏn about anything he can think of. ⁂

| 🇰🇵 North Korea⇾Cis Male ⇾he/him/his |

| 🇰🇷 South Korea⇾Trans Demi boy ⇾he/they |

| 🇰🇷 Chosŏn⇾Cis Female ⇾she/her/hers |

► in editing as of 5/7/23 }

►  Edited as of 7/7/23 }

► Not my best peice ngl. }

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

❝ Mhm... ❞ South Korea yawned, nearly asleep yet trying to keep himself awake. His twin brother was rambeling on and on about things he wasn't paying close enough attention to tell you what. He stopped paying attention by the time the third topic rolled around. If he were honest, he was quite annoyed, giving himself a small pinch to the cheek to awaken him a little bit. Yes, he loved his brother, yes, he agreed to listen, and yes, he was listening. But he was also exhausted after a long day of work, and couldn't help himself when his desk looked like such a good place to rest his head.

Chosŏn on the other hand was paying full attention to what North had to say. She wasn't much of a complainer herself but she loved hearing the drama of other people. Knowing the tea, spilling the tea, that was all up her ally. She sat nect to South Korea, nudging him a few times when she noticed him doze off but tried not to be too noticible with it.

❝ Not to mention he thinks he can send somebody to the sun. Who the hell does that?! ❞ North Korea spat out, grunting as he paced back and fourth across the room from the others. ❝ And Kim Jung-Il was good at everything? Everything? Even I'm not good at everything, I have flaws too. ❞ Chosŏn nodded along, mhm-ing and making small 'rights' here and there. She was probably the reason North kept babbling away; she was giving him support and actually listening. 

After a few more minutes of high-speed talking and the sound of the floor creeking because of North's consistent pacing, he sighed and finally sat down on his bed. He still didn't look up and hung his head low seemingly thinking of something else to rant about. South Korea let out a long breath of air after his final statement was said, placing his arms criss cross on the desk then putting his head on top of them.

❝ Maybe you should tell others that... ❞ he mumbled, another yawn sneaking in. Chosŏn looked over at him, seeing how tired he was but but realized North had yet to look so she kept her mouth shut.

❝ I wish it were that easy! But no. Everybody believes I'm a horrible person because of my leader. I can't stand even looking at a nuke, this isnt fair! ❞ He let out a frustrated sigh, picking up a pencil on his side-table and snapping it in half. Some things got him in a bigger fit of rage. Mentioning his leader and just knowing  what people think of him got him in a bigger fit of rage. Waiting for his siblings response, he started to mess around with his pillow by picking it up and fluffing it on his lap.

He knew they didn't have much to say, so he wasn't to surprised when even even seconds later nothing was said yet. 

But after a few more long moments of silence, North sat up again to view what they would be doing. He looked over at his siblings with curiosity—as they were never really silenct, Chosŏn always had something to say or South Korea always made some form of acknowledgement to fill silence—only to be surprised when Chosŏn wasn't even there and South didn't move at all. He had small breaths but his head remained face down in his arms and he made no acknowledgement of anything.

❝ Eh, South? Cho? ❞ he whispered. A small humpf came out of the taller one as he walked over to his sleeping brother and took a moment to actually study him. Make sure he was actually asleep before picking him up and carrying him to his bed. He knew Chosŏn probably went to her room to let South—I mean, how she did it was insane because he knew everybody by their footsteps and heard everythiny—but he didn't venture out to find her. He trusted her, somewhat.

He walked over to South's bed, managing to not wake him up as he gently layed him down and placed a blanket over him. He grew rather nervous when he thought he almost woke his brother up because of a stir and movement but it quickly went away when he layed with no further movements. He laid his tail out as gently as possible so it wouldnt make him unconfortable or hurt in the morning.

❝ Well, I think I've ranted my heart out enough tonight. ❞ North said to him as he turned the light off and layed down in his bed across the room from South's. He sighed, turning on his side so he could look at his twin and smiled to himself. ❝ Goodnight. ❞

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