❝ Cultural Introduction ❞ || 🇷🇴 × 🇯🇵 [edited]

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⁂ Romania × Japan ⁂

| Romania⇾Female ⇾ She/her/hers |

| Japan⇾Female ⇾She/her/hers |

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV (Japan) ═─◄█▓▒░

     Japan clasped her hands together after placing her picnic basket on the checkered cloth and neatly flattened the corners of the cloth. She looked around the area for a moment, humming to herself quietly and kicking a nearby rock onto the 4 corners to keep it flag while she sat on top of it. She kneeled becides her basket, awaiting her friend—Romania—to arrive by taking some of the food out and organising it. Her only hope was that the wind wouldn't ruin this day, as she checked on 3 different weather apps to make sure it would be a calm day, and they all said do but you could never be sure.

     Looking back to fix her kimono in the back, she spotted somebody unmistakably in a very detailed skirt walking towards her, basket in her hand as well. She appeared to not be paying attention and looking at anything she could that wasn't her, but Japan knew her friend quite well and knew it was only an act of being socially awkward and not wanting to be stared at. Afterall, walking towards somebody and having them just start is pretty awkward.

     Japan chuckled and looked away, shaking her head slightly as she finished placing her udon on the blanket and only looked up again when a breathless Romania stood in front of her. ❝ Hey, Japonia. Sorry I'm a little late, ran into some traffic. ❞ She explained, kneeling across from the other and placing her basket next to hers. Japan only smiled and bowed her head to greet her, swatting her hand a little bit.

     ❝ Don't worry,  Rūmania. I wasn't here for too long. You didn't keep me waiting. ❞ She replied, staring at the other's basket as she began taking her stuff out. Cozonac, sarmale, mici, uppm others were taken out of heat pockets and placed in front of her and weaved in with her foods too. As somebody who didnt eat a proper breakfast due to atressing about making her foods, it all looked astonishingly good and she just wanted to dig right into it.

     She placed her hands neatly on her lap and looked up. A light breeze swung by, but only enough to move the flower in Romania's hair a little bit before plopping back down in its original spot. Japan watched it do so. An annoying thing—in her opinion—about her was her attention to detail. Romania probably didn't even notice the flower move, might as well not feel the breeze either, but she had. She was worrying about it too much.

     ❝ Anyways... How's your country? ❞ Japan asked, looking back down at Romania. Romania tossed her basket to the side while shrugging. She certainly wasn't as collective as she was, but thats how they evern each other out, she supposed. 

     ❝ Oh, mine? We're okay. We're getting prepared for Eurovision next Tuesday, but our EU financing isn't necessary... great.... How's yours? ❞

     ❝ Okay, too. ❞ Japan said quietly, tilting her head to the left and shaking her right shoulder a little to get her hair off of it. She let herself go a little, picking up a fork Romania had broughten as well as the sarmale and starting to play with it. ❝ Somebody in my country was dumb lately and played a street piano that caused a ruckus. ❞ She explained with rather confidence.

      ❝ Say, can't you believe we became friends in 1902? It's been 121 years since. ❞ Romania pointed out, a glimmering smile on her face like she were overly excited to share her discovery. Japan chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully and nodding.

     ❝ I know, right? We've been friends since... before everything happened, ❞ she added, staring down for a second. She could sense the shift in Romania's mood as the other leaned in closer to her and brushed a piece of hair off her kimono. She swept some of the plates out of her way, including taking the one in her hand, while she made herself comfortable sitting criss-crossed on the ground and grabbed onto Japan's hands. Her left wing gently brushed her hair and moved her headband a little bit as though to style it differently.

     ❝ We don't need to talk about this now. Just enjoy what I made for you! I made them specially so you can see the things we eat. ❞ She stated firmly, leaning in for a tight hug. She angled herself a little on her knees by pushing up on her toes and using Japan's neck as a balancing place while she hugged here. She wobbled a little bit, Japan even felt her shaking a slight as she struggled to remain up. Hesitate, Japan chuckled to herself, wrapping her arms around her waist to help her balance and rested her head on her shoulder.

     ❝ Thanks, Rūma. ❞ She softly said, pushing the other back before she could fall. Romania smiled and crawled back to her original spot, pushing everything back to the center and handing her original plate back.

     ❝ Here! Here! Try! ❞ She encouraged. Japan looked down at the plates in front of her, biting her upper lip a little bit out of aggravation and annoyance of the mess, but it could wait to be organised. It bugged her... nore than a little... but she could keep herself together physically while mentally thinking about it. She had food to eat, and a person to enjoy time with. ❝ I thank you for showing me your foods and culture, ❞ Romania took her thoughs away, making her turn her full attention back to the other woman. ❝ I've always wanted to experience it, but we've both been too busy, ❞ she added with her usual preppy smile. Japan nodded,

     ❝ Really, it's no problem. I love sharing my life. I love hearing about yours too, ❞ she replied calmly and simply, but returning her simple smile. Romania was such a sweet woman, at least towards her, and she looked up to her kindness quite a lot since she was kind yet extroverted. She was kind and introverted. The two connected though Romania not being too loud yet gaining happiness from Japan's presence and Japan appreciating her understanding she liked her quiet time and space.

     Romania didn't respond with words, but she hummed and munched down on the food Japan brought. Usually she dreaded people, interactions weren't her cup of tea, but she appreciated this one. She liked it so much, she'll even offer to do it again.

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