❝ Not Sorry. ❞ || 🇩🇪 × 🇦🇹🇭🇺

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⁂ Austria-Hungary × German Empire ⁂

|  Austria-Hungary⇾Cis Female ⇾she/her/hers |

| German Empire⇾Cis Male ⇾he/him/his |

► Requested by @Viviviox

► Edited 3/7/23

► Not historical at all. The German Empire and Austria-Hungary were not the only people apart of the Central Powers and this was not how the alliance was established.

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [Austria Hungary's]═─◄█▓▒░

With a deep chuckle, Austria-Hungary felt somebody from behind her and run their hand horizontally on her back. The touch made her shiver, even tense up a little as she wasn't expecting a visitor this late at night but she didn't tug away. She stood still, collective and calmly, taking in every little action as they traced her. She knew who it was, it was undoubtedly him. Not only did she recodnize their chuckle but she knew his ways. Plus, who else would want to visit her? 

They grasped onto her hip only to twirl her around forcibly so she could face them. Issue was; she nearly fell into them instead of being on target and spinning direftly in front of them like—most likely—planned. If she hadn't thrown her arms up to grab onto their shoulders and step her foot forwards she would have collapsed right on the floor. And let her tell you she was not in the mood to get her dress dirty.

❝ German— ❞

❝ Hush, darling. ❞ German Empire cooed with a quick wink. He placed his hands over hers, giving them a little sqeeze before hoisting her up by grabbing onto her waist and gently lifting her so she could regain her balance. He then pulled her directly closer to him so their waists were pressed against each other. Austria-Hungary hummed as a response to thank him, following his lead and doing as he did. She observed his movements, his actions, his tone of voice.

❝ What do you want? ❞ She asked, raising a brow as he led them into a slow sway following the rhythm to the violin playing throughout the palace. It echoed throuthout the room, giving her a pleasant sound to listen to yet nothing was actually there. No other person in sight. The Violin was one of her favorite things to listen to so she quite enjoyed it but it was... suspicious. ❝ Are you... are you doing this on purpose? ❞

❝ Maybe I just want to make you feel special, ❞ he clicked his tongue but she wasn't having it. She went to pull away but he kept a firm grip on her waist. ❝ I want to alliance with you, my dear. We'll help each other out, ❞ he started, grabbing her attention again.

❝ Go on? ❞ 

❝ If anybody attacks either one of us, we'll have each other to help. ❞ He explained, looking down at her. ❝ I know you and Serbia are in a little... altercation. You need all the help you can get, hmm? ❞

Austria-Hungary paused, forcing herself and him to a holt. He snickered but didn't interrupt her. He was right... yet at the same time he wasn't. She did need help with many things. For starters, she could take down Serbia on her own but with the main issue—and reason she'd need help—was amount of allies he had with him. It would destroy her, it wouldn't be an easy aftermath and the risks were higher than the benefit. Plus, having an ally on her side would help strengthen her power and hopefully decline the risk of invasion. Nobody wants to attack a nation with strong allies. She could say by her thoughts alone. But then again, trust was a major concern. Trust nobody, not even nobody.

❝ I dont want you to backstab me... ❞ she mumbled. Acting as if that was her only concern was tough, especially because she did want to ask about how he planned on defending himself, or if their soldiers would train together before anything gets physical, and if the'll share any materials or they'll have to defend themselves. She knew damn well she would have to ask about how much she would get too. She wasn't going to let him take whatever she had them switch sides. But she would wait to see his reaction before she'd make another move. She didn't want to over whelm him. Yet.

❝ I wont... Trust me, darling. The only way I would is if you backstab you first- ❞ 

But he was cut off by a pain in his foot shooting up his left leg and a muffled ouch. He released her as he went to step back but the heel on his foot stopped and he needed up tripping backwards.

Austria-Hungary only chuckled, completely satisfied with her actions of stomping on his foot and in no ways ashamed of herself. She hated being accused of things. Whether it be something she did or didn't do, if she heard herself being accused, she wouldn't tolerate it. The look in his eyes and the way his face reddened with pain made her humph and flip a peice of hair off her shoulder.

❝ Not sorry. ❞

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