"Long Day?" | No Ship |

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⁂ Just the corner states being the corner states ⁂ 

|New Mexico⇾Female⇾she/her/hers/shes/herself| 

|Utah⇾Demi girl⇾She/they/hers/shes/their self/herself| 

|Colorado⇾Non-Binary [afab]⇾they/them/they/theirs/they're| 


⇾ Let me get this straight for you; New Mexico [Aurelia] and Arizona [Aguya] are fiancées. They aren't sisters, at least not to me. They were childhood friends due to the fact they went through very similar backstories. Colorado [Sophia] and Utah [Camila] are sisters with Arizona and Wyoming [they're the Juana sisters]. New Mexico is an only child, being the only one to biologically be related to Mexico. California, and Nevada, however, are biological sisters with one another and like considering New Mexico their step-sister and take her in as their own sister. Utah is dating Iowa, Colorado is an Aromantic and Asexual who has no interest in a relationship nor does she feel any connection with anybody in those ways. |

⇾ Utah in my AU is a therapist who treats both children and adults. |

⇾ Sorry if this is kind of crappy. Writer's block is still lingering and originally endings are becoming difficult for me. |

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░ 

New Mexico sighed as she pulled her legs close to her chest to hug them. Her head was gently resting on Arizona's shoulder while the other stirred her tea, just the way New Mexico liked it as she had ordered. "Long day," Arizona commented. It wasn't a teasy or mockery statement but it definitely wasn't a question because she already heard a brief overview of what went on. In response, New Mexico grumbled under her breath, 

"How'd you know." She whispered when gritting her teeth. Arizona lightly giggled, placing her tea down on the table next to her and ran her fingers lightly through the other's hair, avoiding her wings as much as she could.

"Sophia and Camila will be here soon."  She said casually with a small hum. New Mexico only groaned rolling her eyes and nuzzling her nose Arizona's shoulder, 

"Aguya," She muttered. Arizona smiled lightly, wrapping her arms lightly around her, slightly older, partner. The other had clearly gone through a rough day with Santa Fe, speaking Santa Fe refused to even talk to her now and was locked in her room. It wasn't something New Mexico wasn't able to deal with, but between work and California and Nevada at work constantly bickering, it definitely made the situation worse for her. She already lost her mind with those two at work, coming home to hid was the icing on the cake.

"Aurelia, Darling, You know when Camila gets here you'll feel better. She's always one to make it better." She reassured, running her palm lightly against her lower back. New Mexico let out a small sigh. She didn't speak again after that statement because she knew she was right. Utah always knew what to do- She was a therapist for not only children but adults, so she had an idea about what she was doing. Well, whenever you were sad she would walk into the room with her smile and everybody would feel happy, but even if you didn't she would figure out a way to make you happy. 

Once Utah had arrived, Colorado had come with her, as Arizona had stated. New Mexico was still curled in her ball of course, but once Utah appeared through the door her ball slowly crumbled and opened up. 

"Good afternoon, Aurelia," Utah said gently, sitting down next to her. She had a warm yet small smile on her face, which sent a small smile on New Mexico's face as well. She picked her head up a little bit from Arizona's shoulder although didn't stop clinging onto her as if she were a child attached to their mother. 

"Hello, Camila." She spoke quietly. Utah took note of the quiet voice, and in her mind, it led her to the conclusion she needed to be gentle as well. Arizona had told her about the day so she was going to speak calmly, to begin with, but the gentle voice is really what did it for her. "Santa Fe." That was what she mumbled next, moving to hug Utah instead of Arizona. Arizona instantly got up to join Colorado, who was sitting down at the kitchen to give everybody else space, so Utah could have this moment to comfort New Mexico on her own. Utah gladly appreciated her moving and showed that by nodding towards the other. 

"What happened?" She whispered softly, doing as Arizona did and by running her hand lightly through New Mexico's hair, although she travelled down to the other's wings and rubbed lightly against them unlike how Arizona just stuck to her hair. New Mexico quietly groaned at the touch of her wings, flinching them a little bit, although her groan was muffled by her nuzzling her nose into Utah's neck. 

"Santa Fe... She's just... different lately... and won't open up to me at all. I'm trying but she doesn't want me." She replied, a little shakily and quiet. Utah nodding along to show she was listening, a small reassuring, although hidden, smile was resting on her face as well. Her smile was more of victory, celebrating the fact she managed to get New Mexico to open up despite her knowing she does not want to. 

"Why don't you give her a little space. I bet she's just needing a little bit of time to think." She offered. New Mexico paused for a moment, thinking about what she was saying. Eventually, she smiled and nodded, peering up to look at her. "and I can always talk to her if you need to." Utah added once she felt the other nod. She looked down to smile towards New Mexico and pause on her wings.

"Thank you, Camila," Mexico replied quietly. Utah smiled, nodding a little bit to show her appreciation. Even just a little bit of comfort can make New Mexico's day right.

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