"Well, guess we're two now." | No Ship |

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⁂ South Sudan declares independence from Sudan, splitting the two sisters into two different countries ⁂


|Aamira(twin sister of Sudan)⇾Female|

|South Sudan⇾Female|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Sudan starred at the dead body of her twin, her heart heavily racing and her legs to weak to evem support herself. What shocked her the most was how her neice was sitting wrapped in the blanket right next to her, fussing and kicking her blanket off of her.

When South Sudan has demanded they wanted independence, it was no shock to the two sisters. They had known for 22 years after they had gotten into a civil war. While Aamira protested and 3 for South Sudan, Sudan stayed under the shadows of her country's people, letting them do all her work for her. The last thing she wanted was to have Aamira figure out she was supporting Sudan's side instead of the side she was voting for. Aamira had gotten pregnant with Misr's, Egypt's brother, not to long after the two got married, but Sudan had thought it was just because they wanted wanted move on with their lives.

Aamira wanted independence for the South, but Sudan didn't want them seperated. If she had lost her sister due due the spitting, she wouldn't be able to live with herself. Once Sudan actually split, Sudan went to tell her sister it had officially happened. She never expected that her twin sister to be dead with her child wrapped in a blanket next to her.

She hesitantly studied her, walking over to the whining child, "it's okay, Dear!" She reasurred, picking her up. She noticed under her blanket marked a note.

And witten in the note was explaining how this was the new Sudan. The new South Sudan. The child was the new representation of the newest country South Sudan. The note had explained how Aamira knew Sudan would become two countries soon, and she had the child to become the new representation of South Sudan. What had shocked her the most was the fact the note had finished off saying Sudan had to take care of her.

With a small sigh, Sudan calmed south Sudan down by rocking her. She starred at the body of her once twin sister and bit her top lip, "Well..." she began, looking down at South, "guess we're two now."

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