❝ Sibling Rivalry ❞ || 🇺🇦 × 🇰🇷 [edited]

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⁂ UPA × South Korea ⁂

| 🇺🇦 Ukraine ⇾ Female ⇾ She/her/hers |

| 🇺🇦 Ukrayins'ka povstans'ka armiia [UPA] ⇾Male ⇾ He/him/his |

| 🇰🇷 South Korea⇾Transgender+transsexual Male ⇾ he/they/his/them |

░▒▓█►─═ Third Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

South Korea mumbled something to himself—probably cursing to himself—as he walked over to his couch. He gripped the arm of it as tight as he could while he shakily sat down and huffed out. It felt good to not worry, even though he knew it was going to perk up eventually. He was correct. Just moments later, he was so close to falling asleep when his phone vibrated. ❝ I am going to scold whoever is calling me. ❞ He muttered, reaching over to the opposite side of the couch to the stand where he left his phone.

❝ Привіт! ❞ She beamed, chuckling after. South Korea whined rolling his eyes back. 

❝ What's up? ❞ he said listlessly, scooting himself on the edge of the couch to keep him instrested in this conversation. He could genuinely fall asleep right now, even to her voice.

❝ I need you to come over here! ❞ she declared. South raised an eyebrow at this resting his freehand on his hip.

❝ Why? I'm tired. ❞ he complained, singing his words to show more expression within his voice. He could hear Ukraine giggling on the other end and saying something like 'because' but he'd missed what she actually said.

❝ Come on! Canada is here! ❞ She avowed confidently. South Korea held his breath for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek. He was much closer to Canada than he was to Ukraine, looked up to him even, if he was going over it was going to be for him.

❝ Fine. ❞

❝ I knew it. See you at 10. ❞

10... Damn that was in an hour... He was certainly not getting a nap in first.

►─═ Timeskip [UPA's POV] ═─◄

Ukrayins'ka frowned as he watched Ukraine let her friend in. His sister just made decisions without asking him first and it annoyed him to the max. Especially when this was supposed to be his Saturday quietly. 

He was currently sitting at the kitchen table, peering through the door to see them and hoping they wouldn't notice him watching them. Unfortunately, she walked straight towards him, holding her friends hand to drag him as well. He seemed just as upset as he did, and Ukrayins'ka didn't blame him at all. His sister was a lot to deal with

❝ This is South Korea! South Korea, this is my brother! We just call him Ukrayins'ka. ❞ She exclaimed. I gave a slight nod, sipping my cup of tea to avoid conversation. Korea had a pretty smile, even though he could tell it was a little forced. It was one of those smiles that made you want to return it. But, Ukrayins'ka couldnt lose my composure to him. Not yet, at least. That would be sucky. 

Korea waved awkwardly, shaking his hoodie sleeve off his hand so Ukrayins'ka could see his wave better. The other nodded, placing his tea back on the table and waving back, keeping one hand sturdy on the cup,

❝ Good morning, Korea. ❞ Ukrayins'ka mumbled. He gave me a smile in reply.

❝ Good Morning, UPA. ❞ He seemed a bit upset, but Ukraine didnt notice, so why would I point it out. Ukraine grabbed his hands and pulled him into the living room. ❝ Where is Canada? ❞ he mumbled to Ukraine, Poking her to get her attention as she dragged him.

❝ I lied. ❞ she replied calmly, sitting him down. Ukrayins'ka still remained in the kitchen yet kept a strong glare at South Korea. While he wasn't listening in on then, judging by South Korea's frown he wasn't very happy with what she was saying. Again, he didn't blame him. His sister could talk for hours about the same thing it wasn't a surprise he was uninterested. 

After roughly 10 minutes, Ukrayins'ka heard Ukraine gigging  genuinely while Korea sounded more under pressure. More, struggling to show an emotion. He sighed, getting up and walking over to the door that led to the living room. He leaned on the door frame, watching them both giggle. He could sense it was awkward speaking Korea caught him watching him a few minutes prior but neither of them seemed to care. It probably gave the other reassurance somebody found him good looking.

Ukraine stood up from the couch, soon followed by South Korea. South turned in the direction of Ukrayins'ka, who looked him dead in the eyes. ❝ I have to grab something. I'll be right back! ❞ Ukraine gave her brother a smile as she walked past him to go up the stairs and close a door behind, signalling she was out of ear shot and even eye sight.

Both boys were now standing there in silence before Ukrayins'ka broke it by sighing. Korea looked back up at him and seemed quite confused. Actually, he seemes confused the moment he walked in the door. Maybe he was tired? Possibly annoyed? Maybe scared. He thought about it for a moment and took this as an opportunity of them alone. ❝ My sister is bothering you, isn't she? ❞ he asked. Korea hesitately looked away from him, biting his top lip at the same time.

❝ Yes, and no... Shes really nice, but I'm a little tired from my work shift last night. ❞ he admitted, sctraching his arm gently as he attempted to find something else to look at becides him. Ukrayins'ka nodded, walking a little closer so he was standing by the edge of the couch.

❝ She can be a hand full, trust me. I don't blame you. ❞ He reassured. Korea shrugged his shoulders.

❝ Yeah... Well, I'm going to find her- ❞

❝ Wait! ❞ Ukrayins'ka blurted, nearly leaping to grab the other's wrist. South hadn't made a sound, though his twisted face and clenched jaw made it clear he was startled. Possibly scared. I mean, if one of Ukraine's friends grabbed Ukrayins'ka, he would be scared to. ❝ Wait, ❞ he repeated, taking in a breath. South Korea nodded, easing himself by relaxing his shoulders a little. ❝ Call me. Maybe. If you want of course. ❞ Ukrayins'ka stuttered, handing him a crumpled peice of paper. ❝ I'm... always home so any time works. ❞ he added. South Korea hadn't looked up this entire time, but he finally had when he took the paper. He read it to make sure his hopes wouldn't be too high and smiled. 

❝ Thank you... Now, I should go find Ukraine. ❞ South insisted, brushing past him to follow wherever she went. ❝ We'll tall later, I suppose? ❞

❝ Of course. And have fun. ❞ Ukrayins'ka commented, giving South one final smile before watching the other walk away, seeminly a little happier than before.

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