"And, Shes back." | America × South Korea + Confederate |

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⁂ Confederate is back, and shes out to ruin the Allience her sister has with South Korea ⁂



|South Korea⇾Female|

⇾Yes, there will be a part two at some point. I'm on a role with actually updating, so I thought I would get this out-|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Confederate growled as she placed a hand on America's shoulder, digging her nails into it. The huge scar on her face and the scars wrapping her body in memories showed she wasn't happy. 

America's eyes widened as she winced, giving her sister a death glare, "what are you doing here...?" She questioned, venom in her voice. Confederate smirked, unhanding her shoulder,

"Darling, I came back for revenge, duh..." she spoke, turning in her heel and walking towards the door. Before she could reach it, a smaller female came bursting in, her wings scratching far behind her back as a smile was plastered on her face,

"AMERICA! AMERICA! I GOT APPROVED FOR THE TEAM!" She cheered, waving the paper in the air. Confederate growled, slamming the door shut on her wing. America gasped as her friend shriked with pain and surprise, 

"Who is this~" Confederate questioned, running a finger down what was visible of her wing. The other shivered, trying to get as close to the door as she could, fear visibly striking in her.

"South Korea, now leave her alone..." she ordered, pointing a finger at Confederate. But Confederate only laughed and wrapped an arm around South Korea's exposed shoulder(due to her outfit), dancing her fingers all over the smaller one's scar she had in her shoulder. South winced in pain, biting her top lip to keep from yelling as her nail traced it,

"And what if I don't?" Confederate asked, knowing well she was harming her. She moved next to the scar, digging her nails into her and creating a Yelp from South. America's eyes widened as she ran to push Confederate away,

"Stay. Away." She ordered, throwing her to the ground. South hesitetly opened the door to let her wing go then closed it again, and latched herself to America's arm, a small sniff was the only thing coming out of her. America stared down at her, placing a hand on South's shoulder to stop the bleeding from it.

Confederate got to her feet, running forwards and pushing South to the wall, earning a yelp and a river of tears.

Not who she was aiming for, but it'll do.

She smirked, reaching for the gun in her pocket and pointing it at America 

"Oh, Ame~" she teased, pressing her finger lightly down in the trigger, "I'm back, and not afraid to pull the trigger."

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