❝ Trouble Sleeping? ❞ || 🇨🇳 × 🇰🇵 [edited]

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⁂ China × North Korea ⁂

| China⇾Female⇾she/her/hers |

| North Korea⇾male⇾he/him/his |

➯ Love China & NK together so much 💖 | 

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

North Korea turned over to look over at China, frowning at her as she tossed and turned. Her arms were spralwed out as though she tried swtrerching her limbs, but clesrly by her grunt she was dissaticfied with her position, ❝Are you okay, Chi?❞ North asked, turning over to switch sides and to face his wife. He placed a hand on the bottom of her stomach and gently pulled her towards him, careful as to not hurt her in any way. She simply nodded, pressing her back against him and placing her hands on top of his.

❝I just cant get comfortable with the baby,❞ she mumbled. For some context, she was, at this point, 7 months very pregnant, due in January and had been having a rough time throughout the entire pregnancy. Specifically this last month has biten her and caused her to sob more times at night than she has her entire life. Of course she was ready to get this thing out of her, has been since she struggled to even stand up without tipping. She eyebags she has from the lack of sleep proved just that.

North Korea sighed, running his hand through her hair, ❝just wait... Only a few more months and she'll be here.❞ he mumbled, starting to fall asleep himself. He couldn't help it—He knew he should be supporting her more, holding her like she used to love and soothing her to sleep, afterall, he is the reason shes in this mess anyways, but geez was he tired himself. He knew she didn't want to disturb him, which sucked even more since if she were uncomfortable while he slept, he'd never know. He felt her kiss his cheek, however, and gently grinned down towards her.

❝I know. I'm excited to see her, but this is hell. Do you see how big the newborn clothes are? That is coming out of me.❞ She argued, shaking her head rapidly before leaning against hie cheat and letting out a long sigh. At this point, she were holding onto his hand as if he were going to leave her. North Korea just kept his eyes closed and gently swayed his head to the side.

❝Don't worry, the baby will be here soon and we'll be able to see our little one. You can finally sleep and don't have to carry her,❞ he mumbled, sweezing her tighter and returning a gentle kiss on the back of her head. She nodded, closing her eyes and taking in everything. Not even words can express how much she wants to punch something and get this little human out of her. But she'll wait until morning.

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