"I declare my independence." | No Ship |

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⁂ French Guinea declares her independence from France ⁂

|French Guinea⇾Female|


⇾I know we arent even close to Ocrober 2nd, but I wanted some history in here.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

French Guinea looked at France with a stern look. Her face read that she wasn't playing around at all and what she was about to say was something she wasn't kidding about, "I want to gain my independence." she said. The cruel look France gave her no longer scared her. She'd been held long enough. France scoffed, 

"try me." she challenged, a smirk forming on her face. A smirk that seemed as if she had won. She hadn't won. She wasn't even close to winning this fight. French Guinea returned the smirk, this time out doing France's,

"It's already been done france," she said, leaning her hands against the desk, which was the only thing keeping the 2 apart, "me and my daughter are leaving. You'll never see us again." She stated, turning around and beginning to walk towards her daughter. She swooped her up, making her giggle and squirm in her arms, before walking out the door.

France's face paled as she watched her colony walk away. Well, it wasn't her colony anymore. Even Guinée Française gave her a weird look before being blocked by the closing door.

Today, October 2nd, 1958, will forever be the day France wouldnt forget.

It will be the day she watched her colony leave.

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