"Ice Cream." | America × Belgium | [Short]

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⁂ Belgium x America (for a friend, because I love their stories) ⁂


|America⇾Transgender + Transsexual Male|

⇾For @AGermanIdiot |

⇾This also ends kind of randomly.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Belgium waved a fan in her face, trying to make herself survive through the piercing heat,

"Ammmmeeeee!" She whined, turning to face her boyfriend sitting beside her. He seemed to have no problem at all with the heat, but of course he had no shirt on with bandages wrapping his chest along with only shorts. She had a crop top and Jean shorts on,

"Yeah?" He replied, placing his book down to face her,

"Can we get ice cream?" She asked, placing her fan down on the table. America nodded, a small smile forming on her face,

"Sure, I dont see why not." He got up from the couch to place his shirt on, but just kept the shorts he was wearing. Belgium's face lit up, something he loved seeing,

"YAY! You're the best!" She cheered, running into his arms. America chuckled, picking her up and spinning her around, 

"Yeah, yeah. Lets just get going. It's hot." 

《Time skip》

"Thank you!" Belgium gave the parlor a wide smile as she took her Dame Blanche from him. She turned on her heel, picking up the cherry from the top of it to eat,

"About time you showed up." America teased as she approached him. He had gotten his first just because Belgium wanted to stop by the flower shop first and look around. She couldnt even deny herself that she was easily distracted and wanted to do everything there was to do just by walking down town,

"Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes, picking up her spoon and sipping it into the frozen treat she was dying for. She sat down on the open seat next to him and placed the bowl down on top of the table, How's yours?" She asked before stuffing a spoon full into her mouth,

"Pretty good. I wish I went for the chocolate one though." He explained, glancing down at it. Belgium nodded, leaning her head on top of his shoulder,

"You can take some of mine if you'd like." She offered, allowing a small smile to creep up on her face. America looked down at her, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead,

"No thank you. It's yours." He denied, taking a lick of his plain vanilla. Belgium shook her head at him and let out a quiet sigh,

"You'll be asking for it later." She predicted, her small smile turning into a slick one as she knew she was right,

"I probably will, but for now, it's yours." He said, not going to deny he always finished off Belgium's food when she never finishes it,

"See. I'm right." She winked, picking her head up from his shoulder to take a smaller bite. America didn't respond. He only wrapped an arm around her waist and nuzzled his nose into her neck, making her smile. She was right. Not that he would admit it, but she was right.

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