"Loving You." | France × Spain |

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⁂ France x Spain ⁂

|France ⇾female|


░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with France]═─◄█▓▒░

"What are you doing?" France asked the slightly shorter one, as Spain wrapped her arms around her waist. She looking up from her phone, turning it off because she felt uncomfortable with others looking at it and peeked her head over at Spain. The grin on the other's face explained it all already, but she was still curious as to why she was acting so lovey,

"Loving you!" Spain replied, kissing France on the cheek. Despite the happiness she gained from the other's kissed, France gave her a suspicious look,

"Are you sure that's what you're doing...?" She asked again, hugging her back. Spain nodded, an innocent smile was the only thing her smile was reading now,

"What else would I be doing?" She asked, followed by a giggle. France shrugged, shaking her head lightly,

"Hmm, well the fact on how you're holding a shoe tells me other wise." she replied. Spain rolled her eyes, pulling herself away. And in her hand was a matter a fact a shoe. More specifislly the sshoe she used to best people up. Everybody knew that when she was holding that it meant trouble,

"Well- Yeah you caught me." She pouted. It was times like this France wish she knew what the other was thinking,

"You're going to go beat UK up arent you?" France interrupted. It was always the UK. Dont get her wrong, she really likes her, but her strict personality was something France couldnt stand. And she knew Spain agreed,

"Just maybe-"

"Let's do it."

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