"Just say Hi." | China × North Korea |

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⁂ China × North Korea ⁂

| China ⇾ Transgender + Transsexual Female⇾she/her/hers|

|North Korea ⇾ Non-Binary [afab] ⇾they/them/theirs|

|South Korea ⇾ Transgender + Transsexual Female ⇾ she/her/hers|

|Chosŏn ⇾ Female ⇾ she/her/hers|

⇾ If I'm being 100% honest, you aren't going to see much of Female North Korea if it isn't requested specifically. It just makes me uncomfortable to make them Female and I'm just going to be genuine about that.|

⇾And whevenever there's a Female North Korea, you'll see a Female South Korea. That's just what I'm comfortable with.|

⇾This ends abruptly, I'm sorry.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

"Come on, Min, just say hi to your sisters." China remarked, looking towards her lover. North Korea shook their head, looking in the opposite direction of where their triplet sisters. They took a quick sip of their coffee and just rolled their eyes. China frowned and flicked their mug, "Come on, Man. Say hi to your sisters," she repeated. North knew China always had a dream for the day they interescred with their sisters, although whenever they tried it ended in South getting a slap to the wing, Chosŏn got a hit to the jaw and North leaving with bloody hands. It was almost impossible for the 3 to become friends.

"Say hi to your sister, then we'll talk." They muttered. China seem flabbergasted by the remark. She huffed and got up, sending a shock in North as well. China wasn't one to handle annoyance well at all, but she never left whoever she was angry at. She would sit there and make it plainly obvious she was pissed. They looked at China and watched her as she walked over to her 2 giggling sisters, "Bao, what the hell are you doing?!" They called after her. China turned around to face them with a smirk on her face,

"Doing something you never bad the guts to do." She said before turning on her heel and waving her arm, "Ae-Cha, Myung-Hee! How are you two?!" She called, making the two turn their head. Northhg almost spit their coffee out. They figured they could hide under the table but that would fail miserable speaking  they had clear table clothes. They just managed to over hear China mention she was here with North Korea before gesturing her hand towards them. North awkwardly waved and hssitryly got up, placing a fake smile on their face,

"H-Hey." They mumbled upon joining the table. South Korea smiled towards them, although it seemed like the fastest on she's ever put on and North cod swear they were the only one to realize it,

"Hello, Min." She mumbled back, sitting her own coffee for a reason North could only assume was to hide the fact she hated their presence. North wanted to do the same but it would seem suspicious for the twins to take a sip together. Chosŏn smiled towards her sibling and waves to them,

"Hello! Min-Seo just got accepted I Medical School and Bada just got together with Germany, it was adorable!" She explained, not even giving North a chance to talk about their life. She just kept babbling on while North was left there to nod and act cool. It took her almost 5 minutes to finish up speaking and it was honestly the most awkward conversation North had ever been in, "And whats up with you?" Chosŏn asked, taking North off-guard, 

"Uhm, well, Nina is doing okay, I guess," she began, looking towards China for help. China shook her head and waved her hands in a "keep going" motion, to which North preceded, "A-And Ho-Seok just started walking." They explained. Chosŏn squealed and wrapped them in a hug,

"Ohhhh, I'm so happy for you!" She laughed afterwards. North hesitetly hugged her back, awkwardly chuckling, after her,

"Uhm, thank you...?" They muttered under their breath. Chosŏn pulled away and looked towards China, "You two should get going." She said, "I don't want to keep you guys waiting." She explained. Chosŏn smiled towards her. North nodded and walked closer to China. They grabbed her hand and waves towards their sisters,

"Bye." They said a bit sternly. South Korea waved but not before Chosŏn aggressively waved her hand. North smiled a bit at the last sentence although kept it to themselves. They looked up to whisper into China's ear so what was said would be between them two,

"As much as the conversation was awkward, thank you for it." They said. China smiled,

"Of course. It's what lovers do."

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