"Long Nights." | France × UK |

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⁂ United Kingdom x France ⁂


|United Kingdom⇾Male⇾He/him/His|



|Australia⇾Trans Female⇾She/Her/her's|

|New Zealand⇾Non-Binary (SAB; Female)⇾They/them/their|


⇾I'm not used to these types of personalities- Usually Britain is shy and easily embarrassed, while France likes teasing her by sneaking kisses during meetings and always holding her hand just to make her blush, but in this their more calm and concerned for each other.|

⇾I forgot how to write a lime lol to it's just going to be light fluff- sorry.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

France held her arms wrapped around her husband's waist from behind him as her head rested on his shoulder. She watching him as he read his book after a long night of trying to deal with their 6 year old twins, America and Canada.

Fiji had ran out of his ADHD medication and getting more wasn't an option anytime soon so the two parents were stressed beyond their minds trying to calm him down.

America came out as lesbian at the same time Canada came out as Pansexual and Australia came out as Transgender.

Of course the two loving parents excepted their children for who they were, but it still stressed them out they were a family of 7, were low on money and couldn't help Australia become the female she wanted to be.

Britain sighed, placing his book on the night stand next to their bed, "It's time to rest, Darling... It's been a long day..." he yawned. France huffed, nuzzling her nose into the side of his neck,

"Not yet! I'm comfortable." she whined, stretching her grip on him. Britain was a little bit smaller than she was, so it wasn't very hard to hold him. 

Britain sighed, leaning his head gently on her's and kissing her forehead,

"You would be more comfortable if actually you laid down with me." he offered, his head beginning to hurt from the long day they had just had. His face twisted into a mixture of exhaustion and pain as he closed his eyes to rest. 

France noticed the sudden change in her husbands behavior and nodded. It wasn't worth hurting him like this.

"Alright, just lay down..." she whispered softly, taking her arms away from his waist and picking her head up. Britain sighed in relief, position himself so he was laying down, France following not to long after.

Britain turned on his side, a fustraited sigh following as he pulled the blanket up to his shoulders and wrapped himself in it. France looked at him, not fully under the coveres yet. She bit her top lip, pulling them over her waist before running he hand lightly on his back,

"Hey, Darling..." she said, softly. Britai. hummed in responce, tensing up at her hand  but relaxed after a moment. She took his hum as a sign she could keep talking, "Look, we'll make a better life for our children... even if it takes us our whole life time, they'll grow up to be something good..." she reasurred, continuing to make small and light circles on his back with her nail.

Britain nodded,

"I hope so..."

"I know so."

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