"Peloponnesian War [Part 1]." | Athens × Sparta |

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⁂ Sparta & Athens ⁂ 

| Sparta⇾Cis Male⇾He/him/his/he's/himself|

| Athens⇾Cis Female⇾She/her/hers/shes/herself|

⇾ I'm sorry this took me so long. I completely lost motivation for everything. |

⇾ I'm only going to do the first part of the Peloponnesian War [or what historians call the first part] because it'll be easier for me to divide it.|

⇾ the Sparta Navel engagements I'm just going to call Agatha because it's easier. And I know she wasn't taken by Agros, but I wasn't sure how to have Athens hold her down and at the same time fight Sparta so Agros is holding Agatha while Athens is doing the actual fighting.|

⇾ Let me break this down; Female!Réunion × Male!Sri Lanka is next. Female!Japan × Male!Australia is after. Female!Germany × Non-binary[afab]!Italy is after that, then Female!Pakistan × Female!Algeria is last. (Not all of these are romantic pairings.) |

⇾ Tell me if something is historically inaccurate. I'm trying, but I don't know if I read something wrong or completely missed a part. |

⇾ 2.2k words in case anybody was wondering. So I didn't completely fail on this. |

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░ 

One thing that Sparta won't ever forget about Athens was her fearlessness. Her inability to shut up yet her ability to make plans and become powerful without anybody knowing. This was the female he fell in love with. 

But things were always sunshine and rainbows between them. As bad as he hates to say it- as much as it pains him and causes him mental pain, the two weren't perfect at all. 

He specifically remembers the sword up against his face. The blade up against his nose and the beat of his heart as it for closer to him. He was scared though he remembers in some ways being happy she returned. Sparta looked up at her there and felt his heart beat faster. She still looked at beautiful as the day he met her. She looked angrier but still as beautiful. He feels too guilty saying that though because the only sounds he remembers hearing was from his daughter. And these sounds were her sobs. His daughter, Agatha, was behind her trapped within the arms of Argos sobbing her eyes out in an attempt to reach for him. They both knew she couldn't run for Argos and she never would. As much as she wanted to fight Argos and run away from him, she stayed right where she was and just sobbed. They were going to visit Oenoe, although Athens's was already there with Argos waiting for them. He could feel that they were already there. While his mother was not harmed, Agatha was stabbed in the chest and taken from him, leaving him with nothing but fear for his life. 

But they had good memories which he would always cherish. The day he had fought alongside her against Persia to get her off their land a few years prior was something that would haunt him but in the best way possible. He should've known something was up when she began rebuilding the walls in her city and training herself for a longer period to the point where she was growing stronger than him as the days passed. In fact, those with who he was friends with even claimed she was becoming too powerful for their good. Yet he stilled loved her. Her strength wouldn't change that. He swore against that.

I mean, they began getting into little fights but they tried to keep it civil. The different policies the two had made it harder for them not to begin grabbing each other's throats but they tried. He tried. She wanted to expand her territory, he wanted to dismantle her Democratic regime. Those two things just don't mix well. When she had become more active within the Aegean campaign and was rarely in the home they shared, of course, Sparta was growing worried about the stuff she was planning. She was never one to reveal what she was going to do but she almost always had a plan in mind for months before completing that action. It wasn't a secret to anybody that announcing her actions wasn't something she did, but of course, she wouldn't keep a secret about it if somebody asked either

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