❝ Want to Dance, monsieur? ❞ || 🇫🇷 × 🇬🇧 [edited]

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⁂ France x Britain ⁂

| 🇬🇧 Britain⇾Cis female⇾ she/her/hers |

| 🇫🇷 France ⇾Cis male⇾he/him/his |

| 🇧🇲 Bermuda ⇾ Cis Female ⇾ she/her/hers | [side character]

| 🇬🇬 Guernsey ⇾ Cis Male ⇾ He/Him/His | [side character]

⇾Ha. I reversed the usual genders. | 

░▒▓█►─═ France's POV ═─◄█▓▒░

❝ Lovely night out, isnt it, France? ❞ Britain asked, smiling up at me as she leaned her head against my collar. I couldn't help but smile, despite being a little overwhelmed from previously being in front of so many people. We were finally alone together on the belcony of the castle–something we'd long to do the moment we got here. Somehow, I managed to escape the grasp of dancing with Spain or Italy while she slipped past Soviet fairly easy. Not that I hate them—exactly—but I personally wasn't in the mood to put on an act. We all hated Soviet, I didn't blame her for being relived. With a nod of my head, I smiled back at the younger one.

❝ very beautiful. ❞ I mumbled, trying my best to make sure she didnt catch me looking at her. We had acres of land in front of us, acres which was travelled just to be in this moment, yet none of it would ever be ad beautiful as the girl I'm standing next to right now. Not that I could say that out loud, but it sounded romantic in my head.

❝ Are you alright? ❞ She asked, grabbing onto my hand and placing it against her chest. I wrapped my fingers around her slightly, looking at her and sighing.

❝ Oui, just in some thoughts. ❞ I replied, closing my eyes and turning away. When I'd opened them again after figuring I wasn't facing her, I tried keeping my eyes on the merdique looking plant but like, it was very merdique so I instantly looked back at her. Who takes care of these things? Geez. Britian chuckled, rolling her eyes playfully and grabbing my tie to lead me closer towards her.

❝ Hm, okay monsieur. Would you like to dance? Possibly escape for a few minutes? ❞ She grabbed my other hand, making a slightly blush glide across my cheek.

❝ Sure... Why not? ❞ I smiled softly and wrapped my left arm around her waist and held her right arm out with my other one. I was a good few inches taller then her, but we made it work. We always made it work.


Forget I said that bit.

 Her arm was also wrapped around my waist. She placed her head on my chest and started to slowly rock us both. The balcony wasn't that big and the railing certainly wasn't that tall so we came to the silent communication not to get too lost or really do much with our preformance. A small smile formed on my face as I looked down at her. I let this sink in, knowing soon enough we would both be dragged away by somebody, but this was our time together. I mouthed a compliment, but of course she hadn't heard. 

Soon enough, she began to move her feet in a swift motion practically offering if we should take it to the next step. Abso-putain de-lutely.

I followed her motion, twisting my right foot outwards and dipping my left knee to bow slightly. She did the same but rather picked up her dress and tilted her head down than move her legs. We both then sat straight up and looked at one another, her giggling a little as she moved herself closer and repeated the position we were just at, just more formally. I was now cupping her shoulder blade and her hand was resting against my shoulder.

In sync, we went step by step in a square motion, I taking the lead and her following my foot afterwards. At first, we kept it small and not very interesting before she made the move of turning her body and spinning. Unexpectedly but I can roll with the punches.

We kept this going for quite a few minutes, at some points getting far to close to the railing for my heart to handle, but it was alright. She swung herself away from it everytime anyways.

❝ We should do this more often. ❞ she said, continuing to sway and rock us even after we stopped actually dancing. ❝ Its not everyday we get to be alone, you know. ❞ she added with a chuckling following. Our breaths were mimicking one another, her taking one then me following for the same amount of time. It was perfect.

Well, almost. 

That was before Bermuda—her territory—ran outside with Guernsey following, being all red faced and sweaty. ❝ Why the hell are you here? ❞ she gritted her teeth as she spoke. ❝ Gibraltar is having a mental break down and Anguilla is crying for you. We made the deal you wouldn't leave, remember. ❞ she chastised, picking her heavy dress up and stomping her heel on the ground to show an emphasis on her frustration. Guernsey frowned, tilting his head down in disappointment though didnt say a word. Britain's eyebrows fell as did her smile before shoved me back. It wasnt like a rough shove but it definetly was meant to show some aggravation. She ran towards her territories and cupped Bermuda's cheeks while leaning into her.

❝ I'm so sorry, 'Muda. ❞ she muttered. ❝ Let me say goodbye, meet me at the bottom of the stairs. ❞ she said hushly, making Bermuda huff and snap herself away, grabbing her brother and forcing him inside with her. Britain then huffed her cheeks out, turning on her heel to face me. ❝ Excuse me, but I must go.❞ she said rather upset. I only nodded, taking her hand and bowing for her.

❝ Of course, Mademoiselle. ❞ I responded, kissing her hand. She chuckled, moving forwards and giving me a light kiss on the cheek.

❝ I'll come back for you. ❞ she whispered before turning on her heel and running off, slamming the door behind her.

Putain de merde. She kissed me.

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