"|Snowy Days." | Japan × Germany |

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⁂ Germany x Japan ⁂



░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Japan was having a grand old time walking to Germany down the park side walk before she had done a small shriek of fright as she dove into the snow. Germany gave her a concerned yet sturdy look, not showing much sympathy towards her, "I told you if you ran you would fall." he said, holding a hand out to lift her on her feet.. Japan nodded, mumbling something under her breath,

"I know, Mister.Know It All. " she playfully rolled her eyes. She got up and dusted herself off from the freezing snow,

"Ouch." Germany chuckled, beginning to walk down the side walk again. Japan instantly followed, looping their arms together so if she fell, he fell with her.

"The snow is beautiful, huh?" She said, leaning agaist his arm as she admired it. Germany nodded,

"Despite the fact you've already fallen twice, yes." he said, chuckling. Japan rolled her eyes, and crossed her arms in a playful manner 

"Oh shush. " she jokingly said, unable to stop herself from giggling after wards.

"But let's be honest, the snow could never be ad beautiful as you." Germany said in a neutral tone. Japan's cheeks went red,

"Y-you're only saying that because I got mad at you!" She accused, stuttering in between her words as a blush creeper up on her face. Germany hummed,

"Maybe... or maybe I'm just saying it because it's the truth."

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