❝ Cuddles? ❞ || 🇧🇾 × 🇳🇿 [Edited]

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⁂ Belarus × New Zealand ⁂

|  🇧🇾 Belarus⇾female⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇳🇿 New Zealand⇾Non-Binary ⇾they/them/theirs |

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Belarus moved her recliner back and popped her foot rest up so she could be comfortable finishing the final season of her new comfort show. A strong, happy smile was stuck on her face as she grabbed a hand full of buttery popcorn and stuffed it in her mouth, careless she dropped some on her lap. Though her hand was now stained yellow from the butter, she simply wiped it on the tower laying next to her and relaxed her jaw. New Zealand—who was sitting next to her on the couch—looked over at their girlfriend with a more relaxed face plainly just to admire the other. They weren't necessarily as passionate to finish it like Bela but they could sit through it and enjoy this moment. 

Currently, the two afab girlfriends were holding each others hand and stating at the TV together. One definty had a more tired look than the other, causing them to nuzzling their nose into the hand they were holding and cuddle up against it. ❝ Zela, you can sleep if you'd like. ❞ Belarus stated, a hint of concern being forced away within her voice. New Zealand blushed lightly at the Nickname and shook their head at the same time. At the same time, they yawned again sort of giving it waway they were ready to hit the hay for the night. 

❝ I might just... ❞ they mumbled, closing their eyes to just listen to the Shitts Creek theme music, signaling the show was over. Belarus didn't make a noise as she got up from her chair and carefully walked over to lay down next to New Zealand. She wrapped her arms around their waist while they place their head gently on their chest. New Zealand quickly opened their eyes looking down at their new cuddler with both the feeling to smile and flinch. ❝ what are you doing...? ❞ they asked, returning the hug by squeezing her.

❝ Just shut up and let me cuddle you! ❞ Bela whined, looping her legs with the other's. New Zealand sighed in defeat, grinning lightly as they looked down at Bela. Goodness, they felt like the luckiest person in the world right now to be able to say they got to cuddle with Belarus, and really, they were convinced they were the luckiest when she fell asleep hugging the. Steadily, they gave a gentle kiss on the forehead before leaning their head on arm of the couch and drifting off too.

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