"Paris, Rome, go to bed." | No Ship. |

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⁂ Rome, Paris, and Londo basically being Crack heads. ⁂






⇾ I have to say this; I deeply apologize in advance if I use she/her for London. I usually have them as female, so Male London is a little bit new to me. Rome is also non-binary to me, so if I used they/them at all, I apologize for that too.|

⇾ I added Berlin because I felt she gets along really well with Rome, Paris, and London as well. Plus she fits with the story idea I had.|

⇾ Basically; Rome - starts the drama. Paris - joins the drama. London - Stops the drama. Berlin - goes to a therapist to forget the drama.|

⇾I can't really write people being Crack heads because that isn't necessarily my writing style- So I tried just making them stupid drunks. Or, Rome and Paris are stupid drunks.|

⇾I'm so rushed so this is really bad I'm sorry- I dislike this chapter so much so there will be a re-write once I catch up on all the other requests.|

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

"Yeah, so I punched her," Rome explained, taking yet again another massive sip of his wine despite already being as intoxicated as you can be. Paris burst into uncontrollable giggles, almost spilling her drink in the process, while London rolled his eyes and slapped his friend lightly onto the shoulder,

"You do not punch people." He explained, although it was no use for the only reason Rome [pft- I wrote Italy here-] was even telling the story was that he was already out from the 3 glasses of wine he had. Paris was drinking as well and probably the only reason she laughed was that she was out too, but more on Mudslide than wine. She couldn't even stand up straight for crying out loud; Berlin was holding her. Let's not forget to mention London had slapped his friend at the same time as saying don't punch them. Not necessarily something I should've mentioned, but I knew somebody would say it so I decided to say it first. [Plus he only slapped him because Rome punched Vienna after she just said she didn't like his food. London had a reasonable excuse to slap him.]

"Eh, why don't you two lay down." Berlin insisted, moving slightly to the left to relieve the pain on her shoulder where Paris had been gripping so she would tumble to the ground. She had stood up on her own but one look at her and you would think she was one of those balloons you see at dealerships. Due to that she only shoved the other Female so she could move and bounced her way towards a dying laughing Rome. Nobody knows why he's laughing now, but it made the other drunk burst into laughter as well.

London gave Berlin a weird look out of annoyance making her shrug, "Wasn't me." She simply said with no tone in her voice at all but a blank one. London rolled his eyes, seeming quite annoyed by her remark instead of the drunks now.

"I wasn't blaming you." He replied. Berlin shrugged again,

"You're eyes said it." She said, crossing her arms and turning her head away from his as if she were aggravated with him. London scoffed, a little dramatic but it got his point across,

"What does that even mean-"

"You guys are acting like an old married couple." Rome teased, poking London's cheek and interrupting him. London turned to him with a stunning look, and he could only assume Berlin did the same although he didn't bother to look back at her. That just proved Rome's point which he was in no determination to do. He wasn't sure if he was angrier at the fact Rome poked him, interrupted him, or accused him of being married to Berlin for 20 years.

"Rome, you little-" Berlin gritted, stepping forwards and curling her fist into a ball. She would've punched him in the face if London hadn't pulled her arm and held her back. She glared at him, clearly not happy over the fact she was held back. She had a short temper- It runs in the German Family. Germany has a short temper, Third Reich had a short temper, hell even the Roman Empire had a short temper, but Berlin was the worst by far. Her confused look turned into nothing but a sense that somebody was going to die. Everybody knew that somebody who was going to die. "Let me at him." She whispered when London had pulled her into him to stop her better. London shook his head in response, looking towards Paris and Rome who was doing nothing but on the floor laughing from Berlin's response,

"Rome, Paris, enough." He growled, expecting them to shiver like they always would. Instead, they paused for a moment before bursting into complete laughter again. They were like children, except, annoying drunk children who won't want anything but laugh and giggle. Like Vienna when she's tired. Except much, much worse.

"Scolding them does nothing." Vienna interrupted, pushing past London and Berlin to face Rome face to face, "You can't scold a drunk and expect them to listen. It may work with Madrid and Andorra la Vella, but definitely not Rome." She stated, crossing her arms. Rome stared at her with confusion. He certainly was listening, but it was purely because he wasn't the one being scolded, which Berlin quickly caught onto. You would expect being friends they would know how to deal with this, but the truth was; London or Berlin never stuck around when the two begun drinking. It brings back memories of her aunt for Berlin and London just refused to watch him. They were only here because their "parents" were in for a meeting together and naturally Rome snuck something in for them to party while they were inside. Vienna pulled against Rome and Paris's sleeves to get them to follow her. "You two will lay down, my rules, my orders. You'll get a headache soon if you move much longer. Follow me." She ordered. Paris whined, naturally, she ways whines for the dumbest things, not to mention her headache was starting to haunt her, but Rome didn't say a word, nor did he dare. He's been through this with her before, and the fact he remembers her growl yet not London's, which should I note he's growled at him far more than her, was far beyond both Berlin and London.

"V-Vienna-" Berlin chocked out when Vienna had poked her cheek for no reason at all. With a smirk, she held Rome close to her and whispered in the non-drunk's ear.

"And about that married couple statement, stop holding her like that London, or it may become legit." She mocked. London pushed Berlin to the side, mostly because he didn't want to be shipped with her, and shook his head, sticking his tongue out at Vienna. Neither of them exchanged a word, Berlin only glared at him with a blank stare, 

"No offensive but I wouldn't date you." She said, walking towards where Vienna went to take care of Paris. London stood there stunned. He was just rejected by Berlin, and despite not even having feelings for her, it felt weird to him. Hopefully, when Rome and Paris were sober, they'll forget about this and they'll never have to speak of this day again.

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