❝ Little Washington ❞ || 🇺🇸🇰🇷 [cityhumans ⇾edited]

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⁂ DC takes Washington to work with him because why not. ⁂

| 🇺🇸 DC⇾Cis Male⇾He/Him/His |

| 🇺🇸 Washington⇾Cis female⇾She/Her/Hers |

| 🇰🇷 Seoul⇾Cis Female⇾She/Her/Hers |

| 🇨🇳 Beijing⇾Cis male⇾He/Him/His |

| 🇩🇪 Berlin⇾Cis female⇾She/Her/Hers |

| 🇬🇧 London ⇾Cis Female ⇾ she/her/hers |

⇾Also set when Washington first became a state 1889, but I do mention that later. |

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

DC groaned, rolling his eyes back out of annoyance. Dragging his little sister along for the capital meeting is something he never wanted to do, especially the state that his name was always confused with. It was just... confusing... 

For some context; the year was 1889, and Washington was a new state so she was fairly young and unsure of how this whole representative thing worked. United States asked if he could take her to a meeting and get a feel of how meetings, discussions, and trades worked before throwing her into thr world of the states. Contrary to popular belief, states were actually much more chaotic than one may think since they're tied to the same roof but are still different Human beings and have different minds. They can argue and fight all they want but they can't leave, which makes it extremely difficult to calm them. He simply didn't like the idea of throwing her in there like that, so relentlessly, he agreed. He kmew she had no clue what was going on, she was simply following so he had no reason to really feel annoyed by her.

Anyways, District looked over his shoulder at the state behind him, smiling to himself when he saw her. He knew she wouldn't be very loud during the meeting, she never really was loud or made much or an apperance so he wasn't really scared for her. He was preparing for them. The capitals. They were always chaos, why wouldn't they be? Maybe not at much, but they certainly weren't... the best influence.

When he opened the door, he instantly froze to study what the hell was going on. He certainly wasnt expecting Seoul to be protesting against Beijing, throwing rolled papers at him and attempting to hit him in the back of the head with her clipboard. Unsure of why, nor did he really care, it was more just unexpected. He only was worried about Wash and quickly covered her from the sight so she wouldnt get any ideas with California or Oregon. Not that he expected her to want to fight them but when they're young, they'll do anything.

❝ Seoul? ❞ he called, holding his hand out to try and snap her attention. She looked utterly pissed either for a reason, or not for a reason, she definetly was pissed. Sometimes she was just mad—you never knew. When she didn't respond, District looked at London—who currently had her hand against her temple—and Berlin, who was just there working on some paper work. Must've been going on for quite some time if theu were able to block it out so well. He looked back at Seoul, holding his breath. ❝ Seoul, ❞ he repeated, gritting his teeth. He could feel Washington squirm behind him and whine so this time he wasn't going to allow her to ignore him this time. Luckily, for her, she hasn't—which made this easier—and looked at him, hiding her peices of paper behind her back.

❝ Hey, Mr. Columbia. ❞ she only used that name when she knew she was in trouble. Or stressed. Both could work in this scenario, I guess. DC groaned, wanting to walk away before he heard Washington start crying. He looked over at her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder and forcing her head to lean against his shoulder. He tried his best to calm her down and really he should've expected her to be a little scared but he still didn't want her to cry.

All eyes were on them.

Seoul walked up to them and looked down at Washington. Finally somebody shorter than her. She must feel powerful. She saw the petals on her flower crown fall—full of Mupungubwe's for she was a very cultural person—onto Washington's nose, making the smaller one giggle. Seoul chuckled back, slowly taking Washington by grabbing her hands and pulling her forwards. Washington continued to giggle and even clap a few times as she spun in a circle and caught the petals. DC smiled at the 2, sighing in relief walking behind Seoul and placing his hand on her shoulder blade.

❝ Shes adorable! ❞ She complimented. DC gave her a smile, nodding.

❝ Thank you. Her name is Washington, and she just recently joined the Union. I brought her here to possibly show her how meetings work. ❞ he explained, chuckling. Seoul nodded, linking on very well with it. She looked back down at Washington, handing her a mupungubwe and holding her left hand.

❝ I'm going to call her Little Washington. We can't have 2 Washington's, of course. ❞

❝ Oh just wait... she'll grow... ❞

►─═ Time Skip ═─◄

Washington looked at DC, picking up a picture from an old collection that caught her eye for some reason. The picture was labeled 'First Meeting' with a description of the event. She raised a brow at it, studying the image as much as she could before holding it up. ❝ So... that's why you keep calling me Little Washington? Seoul? ❞ She asked, crossing her arms. DC nodded, looking up at her with a smile.

❝ You'll always be my little sister. ❞ He commented, chuckling a little. Washington nodded.

❝ What happened to her? ❞ she asked, down up at her brother as she stood up and walked behind him. He was currently working on some paperwork from a capitals meeting held earlier that morning, so she tried not to distract him too much but her curiosity was way too filling right now. District looked up at her with a small grin though the pain in his eyes were striking. 

❝ She was uhm... colonized a few years later by Tokyo and distanced herself a lot from us... We soon lost complete contact and didn't regain it for another 35 years, but even so, she spoke very little about her experience. None of us could save her. ❞ he explained, nodding along as he spoke. He instantly peered down at his work and shook his right hand. ❝ Now please, I'm  working. ❞ he insisted. Washington instantly nodded and sat back down in her seat, not during to say a word.  That was enough for today.

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