| China × North Korea [No title + sh!tpost]|

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⁂ [tall]North Korea × [short]China⁂

|🇰🇵North Korea⇾male⇾he/him/his⇾177cm|


|Nina⇾Female⇾she/her/hers⇾representation of China|

|Sang-Hoon⇾Male⇾he/him/his⇾representation of North Korea|

⇾ Tall North Korea is underrated. Everybody always views him as an "uwu short bean" which I find kind of annoying, so I think Tall North Korea is underrated.|

⇾ If theres a request I had missed, then please let me know.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with China] ═─◄█▓▒░

"The baby is sleeping."

Those words were something China longed to hear every night. Nina was a good child. She was always sleeping through the night and rarely ever cried, so when China had told North Korea she was pregnant again 5 years later, they both thought it would be a piece of cake. Well, they were wrong. Sang-Hoon never sleeps at night. He always wants his mother, which was fine at first, but now that he was 2 years old, China wanted to begin seeing her friends again. However with Sang always attached to her, she couldn't even eat without him being there.

"It'll only be about an hour until he wakes up." North Korea said, taking his hand off the doorknob. China sighed. He was right. What made matters worse was that despite China telling North she could take care of him, he still insisted on helping, even though he had work at 5 am. She wanted him to sleep so he could do his best at work.

"I didn't expect this to be so awful," China mumbled, walking closer to her husband. North nodded, wrapping his arms around her waist and allowing her to lean into his chest.

"You and me both." He replied. China chuckled,

"Well, now we know." She joked, however judging by the fact North didn't laugh she knew he was probably exhausted. Instead, he hummed and leaned his head against hers,

"Mhmm." He hummed. China at this rate didn't move or even dare disturb him. If he were going to fall asleep right there, she might as well let him. He deserved this. She would much prefer him not to fall asleep like this, but if he did, he did. Oh well.

After a moment or two of silence and nothing but the two of them holding each other in their arms, China decided it was time to end the quietness between them. It was a bit awkward in her opinion, but at the same time relaxing,

"Babe." She whispered. No answer. China puffed her cheeks out with amusement. She would be here for a while, which in her mind, was perfectly okay.

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