"Give it back!" | Mongolia × Kazakhstan |

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⁂ Mongolia x Kazakhstan ⁂


|Kazakhstan ⇾Male|

⇾Look at me actually writing for once! I feel proud I actually got motivation to write rather then sulking in my thoughts! Although, this is very, very, very short because I'm exhausted- I havent spelt at all lately with so much going on so I'm writing alot about my OTP and comfort character to sooth me while at the same time trying to get requests up.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Mongolia huffed as she attempted to jump up to grab her book from Kazakhstan. The only thing she grabbed was a laugh from him and the feeling of embarrassment, "You can't reach it when I have wings and you don't" he teased, fluttering his wings open as if he needed to do that for her to believe him. Mongolia sighed, out of defeat.

 "no, I cant, but I can get it back by doing this!" She states before jumping up, wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him. Kazakhstan's face went bright red as he lowered his arm in surprise. He hesitantly kissed back, but it didnt last for long before Mongolia reaches up to take her book back and pulls away, "thanks for the book, Love." she chuckled, turning on her heel and walking away.

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