"Rain." | Vermont × Nevada × Rhode Island |

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⁂ Vermont x Nebraska  x Rhode Island ⁂



|Rhode Island⇾Demigirl [she/they]|

⇾Vermont, Nebraska and Rhode Island are all staes in the US.|

⇾None of them are related. Vermont and Rhode Island wouldn't be related to each other for me anyways because Vermont wasn't apart of the 13 colonies. It joined the union in 1791 after the US gained independence. Then Nebraska would be related to Kansas, Iowa, Oklahoma, everybody apart of the Louisiana Purchase.|

⇾Pride special is coming soon! After I write one more request!|

░▒▓█►─═ Third Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Rhode Island quietly cursed to herself as she felt the rain slowly drip onto the top of her head. It was expected to rain, and she knew it, but they needed something to eat and she thought they would be able to make it home before it began. I guess she was wrong. She hesitantly turned to face her girlfriend, Vermont, who seemed to have no reaction to the rain dripping down her cheeks. She tugged onto the sleeve of her coat to grab her attention,

"Can I wear your coat?" She asked, raising a brow and giving her a small puppy face. The puppy face was no needed though for she knew Vermont would've given it to her reguardless. Despite the confused look Varmont gave her, she obayed the request,

"Sure, but why?" She asked, slipping off her cotton sweater and handing it to Rhode Island. Rhode Island took it gratefully and wrappled it over her little white wing on her back. She herself was unsure about where her wings came from, but during the Battle of Rhode Island, England had cut one off and sold it to one of the kings. She wasn't sad, nor did she care at this point, but the scaredy behind was a reminder of the stuff she and her siblings went through,

"I don't want my wings wet." Was all she replied with, x-ing her thoughts away. Once she finished covering it, she went to hold onto Vermont's hand. A small smile formed on her face when Vermont didn't dent  and laced their fingers together,

"Ahh, understandable. Texas would agree." She said, nodding her head a little bit.

Texas has wings too. She has the wings of an eagle, which is almost bigger than her. It's unknown about why she has them, but she has them and cherishes them. She has the biggest pair out of the states, while Rhode Island has the smallest. Well, now it's the biggest set. Alaska used to have wings when Russian Empire cut them off for disobaing an order. Rhode Island would be decistanted if that happened to her. Disobaying England seems like a nightmare. Texas knows better than to comment on her wings and how big they are. Everybody knows it's better not to do that. Alaska was taller then them all, she could easily crush them.

Rhode Island was just about to say something something else to keep the conversation going when Nebraska wrapped his arm around Vermont's neck and placed a kiss on her cheek,

"How's it going, Love~" he winked, leaning himself closer to her. Rhode Island huffed when Vermont's attention turned to him. She wasn't at all happy with him barging in and taking her away from her.

"Hey, Neby." Vermont's chuckle made Rhode Island let her hand go and step away from the two others. She wouldn't deny how jealous she can get, and honestly, she wouldn't mind a car coming in a splashing Nebraska in the face with dirty water right about now. Maybe get it in his eyes too. That would be funny,

"That's good, but me and Rhody were in the middle of heading home." Rhode Island tuned back in, turning her attention to her 2 lovers. Vermont tried pushing Nebraska off of her, struggling her way out of his grip,

"Aww, but why~" he whined, making Rhode Island fuel with annoyance. She walked up to Nebraska and with all her might, stomped on his foot,

"She said we were going home. No ta'ta. We don't like you, bye." And with that she dragged Vermont away from the injured and angry Nebraska,

"Rhody, you don't hurt people-" Vermont mumbled, puking herself out of the smaller one's grip, 

"You don't force yours onto people either." She fought back, getting annoyed at her own statement,

"I don't think he wanted that." Vermont rolled her eyes, shaking her head as if to deny it. By the sound of his voice though, that's what he did want.

"Sure. Now can we get out of here, it's going to downpour soon!" Rhode Island complained, turning to face her girlfriend. She frowned when she was Nebraska still standing behind them. Vermont payed no attention to behind her. That was in the past, she couldn't look at him and give him the idea to come,

"Sure. Let's just get out of here..." she whispered, walking past Rhode Island and keeping her thoughts to herself. 

Rhode Island could sense something was wrong, and she was going to make sure she gave Vermont a lot of hugs tonight.

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