"Walk away before you lose a limb." | No Ship | [sh!tpost.]

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⁂ Basically North Korea, Chosŏn, and South Korea being the overprotective Siblings they are towards their younger sisters. ⁂ 

|North Korea⇾Male⇾he/him/his/hes/himself|

|South Korea⇾Transgender + Transsexual Male⇾he/him/his/hes/himself|


|United Korea⇾Female⇾she/her/hers/shes/herself|


|Russia⇾Male[I stan Female Russia, but it must be done.]⇾he/him/his/he's/himself|


|Australia⇾Transgender + Transsexual Female⇾She/her/hers/shes/herself|

⇾Requests might take me a little longer speaking I'm starting to get more into another fandom. I'm not leave thing one, but I'm really into the Zodiacs lately and have had a lot of my attention on them.|

⇾ Achim and United Korea are both 18 in this while the triplets are still 24. I just aged them 8 years because I had this idea in my head and they're my main siblings.|

⇾ I had to genderbend Russia because literally, a l l of North Korea's friends are Female and that wasn't how it was supposed to go-|

⇾ Sh!tpost so it's kind of short and all over the place.|

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

"I don't care how well I know you, walk away from her or you will lose a limb." North Korea threatened, looking towards his friend as he approached his sister with a glass of wine in hand. The other Male looked up at him, so did Achim, and while Achim seemed relived, Russia didn't seem to happy, 

"Come on, Jung. You know I wouldn't harm her." He said, placing a hand gently on the top of her head and eventually travelling it throughout her hair. The touches he had given her clearly set North off in a whole way he couldn't even explain. He almost threw a punch right there although paused to think about it. Eventually he just grabbed Achim by her wrist and pulled her closer to him, making the small girl squeak and almost trip on her dress. North shot a glare towards Russia, 

"I told you to walk away or you will lose a limb," he repeated. Russia was about to mock him and reach for her again but he was already lost in the crowd of people with her, long gone and by the looks of it, he wasn't going to be seen by him any time soon.

With Chosŏn and South Korea though. The two were giving America a death glare as he and United Korea danced the night away. Chosŏn was clearly irritated by the fact that was both her brother's boyfriend and her younger sister. South seemed like he was more upset rather than irritated. His eyes kelt dropping between him and the floor while his hands fiddled with the tie on his outfit.

"That's my lover..." he mumbled. Britain, who was next to him, lasted his back and placed a gentle kiss on his cheek. She didn't say a word though, for she just wrapped his arms around him, almost firing him to hug her back, and begun to sway herself as if she were attempting a dance to keep his mind away from the pair. Chosŏn, meanless to say, walked up to America and with no hesitation slapped him in the cheek, making United Korea gasp and America fall to the ground from the hit,

"Ae-Cha, what the hell-"

"She's my sister, you dumbass, and I want her back." She said, interrupted him and grabbing her sister by the wrist, much like North had, and begun to walk away. She made sure she had gotten a good stomp to his foot, making him squeak before she walked back towards her brother and sister-in-law.

"I hate Ivan." North grumbled upon approaching his siblings, "He wouldn't take his eyes off of Min-Seo." He explained. Chosŏn almost jumped towards him as if she were excited to tell him about what she had done,

"I slapped America-:

"Off-topic, but okay." North interrupted, making Chosŏn cross her arms,

"No, like, he was dancing with Bada, so I slapped him." She said, making North mumbled an 'oh' although not comment on it. He had already seen the red mark on the other's cheek walking by him to find his sibling but figured Britain got pissed at him again for doing something stupid. Of South were pissed, America would already be huddled in the corner to avoid the actual wrath of him. 

Yes. Yes, South would probably murder somebody if he were pissed at them. Already scarred Russia's arm after he had made a stupid joke. 

"I wish I slapped him," South muttered, still holding onto Britain and making North huff while Chosŏn giggled. United Korea just puffed her cheeks out with annoyance and Achim had herself wrapped around North Korea's arm as if her life depended on it. For some odd reason that North couldn't explain, Achim was attached to him. If she were hurt, she would ask for him. Stressed? Ask for him. Scared? Ask for him. It was weird, but North cherished it. He enjoyed having her so happy around him, but at the same time, he doesn't know what made her so intrigued about him.

"Nah, Mate. You probably wouldn't put a hole in his cheek." Australia had said, joining into the conversation. She had overheard the conversation when she was trying to enjoy a drink and decided she hadn't paid enough attention to Chosŏn tonight. She wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's shoulders and leaned down to place a kiss on her forehead. South rolled his eyes, letting Britain go,

"It would've shown him." He replied. Australia chuckled and leaned her head against Chosŏn head. 

The gang all sat in silence for a moment, everybody mainly studying the party, before United Korea decided to speak up, "Why must you guys be so overprotective of us?" She asked, not seeming too happy as she crossed her arms, "We're not children anymore." Although Achim seemed to majorly disagree while she hid behind North. South almost burst out laughing, wrapping his arm around her shoulders and playfully rolling his eyes,

"Pfttt- Bada, wer're your older siblings. It's our job to kill any boy that comes near you." He remarked. That didn't satisfy United Korea at all although she figured there was no choice in trying to fight back. It was 4 against 1. 6 against 1 if Australia and Britain decided to join in.

"Come on, Love. You know they're just trying to keep you safe." Britain chimed in. United was honestly expecting her to join. She always did. Especially when it came to the family business. "If you were the elder one, you would instantly worry about  them as well." She added. United kept silent, which the triplets all seemed relieved about. 

She wasn't wrong, I suppose. As the older sibling, you take it upon yourself to protect the younger ones. It was just nature. Maybe the triplets took that a tiny bit too far, but they take pride in their younger sisters, and the last thing they want is to lose that.

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