❝ Siblings being... Siblings... ❞ || 🇩🇪🇰🇷🇻🇳

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⁂ sibling bonding time with North Korea + South Korea, Germany + West Germany and Vietnam + South Vietnam ⁂

| 🇰🇷 South Korea⇾Trans Demi boy ⇾he/they/his/their |

| 🇰🇵 North Korea⇾Cis Male ⇾he/him/his |

| 🇰🇷 Chosŏn⇾Female ⇾ She/her/hers |

| 🇩🇪 Germany⇾Cis Female  ⇾ She/her/hers

| 🌼 East Germany⇾Cis Male ⇾he/him/his |

| 🇻🇳 Vietnam⇾Cis female ⇾ She/her/hers |

| 🌹 South Vietnam⇾Female  ⇾ She/her/hers |

► In editing as of 3/7/23 

► Edited as of 5/7/23

►  Requested by @AFandomPersonUwU

► Mentions — death, gore (blood, wounds, scars, beat ups), mourning, and murder 

░▒▓█►─═ with the Germans ═─◄█▓▒░

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

Germany sighed, looking down at the bunches of roses in her hand. She used the cloth around the stems to block the rain from reaching the petals, not a care in the world she was harming herself in the process due the thorns now pricking into the palm of her hands and arms. It didn't even matter. She just wanted them to be perfect.

She kneeled down, placing her hand gently on the name of her brother engraved in the tomb stone. But she didn't look at his name, she looked at his death. This part was always the hardest for her. Seeing his death and just imagining how it went hurt her more than anything in the world. Knowing the last time she heard his voice was from behind a wall. Knowing she tore the wall down and he wasn't waiting on the other side like he promised. Knowing she couldn't do anything yet had to harw the guilt because those involved were dead hurt her.

Possibly the fact she never got to truely know her brother hurt her more than his death itself. The only thing she knew of him was his death. She couldn't grow up making memories with somebody who was biologically related to her, instead she had to make memories with people she had no connections to. Her secrets should have gone to him, her gossip, her information, her boy crushes, her everything he should have known about but they didn't. She didn't have the time. He didn't have the time.

The only day she ever saw him after their separation was at the mourning and funeral where an open casket layed in the front center of the church. Not even a picture was placed nect to him for they had no pictures theu could use. Even thougu she could see him, she was too busy drowning herself in tears, her eyes filled so much she couldn't even see through them. She flew by a box of tissues faster than it took her to get drunk at a beer festival. She remembered more vividly how she cried on South Korea's shoulder that night as he tried his hardest to calm her more than she remembered her own brother's face. Such a kind soul he was, if only she appreciated it more instead of cursing his name a few moments ago for taking her brother's place 

The roses slipped off her arms as she positioned them like a small slide. They fell right in front of the stone like she wanted, but she still positioned them so they would hide his final words. She couldn't bare to look at that either. Everything about this was hard for her to bare but she had to do it. She wouldn't let a week go by she didn't visit his grave stone.

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