"I count on you." | Russian Empire × United States |

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⁂ Russian Empire × America ⁂ 

|Russian Empire ⇾ Female ⇾ she/her/hers/shes/herself| 

|United States⇾Male⇾he/him/his/hes/himself|

|Native Alaska⇾Female⇾she/her/hers/shes/herself|

|Russian America⇾Male⇾he/him/his/hes/himself|

|Alaska [Nadezhda]⇾female⇾she/her/hers/shes/herself|

⇾ Usually, in my AU, United States had lost her husband, Native America, although I reversed the roles this time. This time, United States had lost his wife, Native America, to the British Empire. Enjoy.|

⇾ Also, this isn't how the Alaskan Purchase happened. It's for plot reasons.|

⇾ Russian America is the husband of Native Alaska and their daughter is Alaska.|

⇾ Cringe ending ahead.|

░▒▓█►─═ Third-Person POV ═─◄█▓▒░

"Hey, Mr. United States. Must we speak." Russian Empire said, calling out towards the male in front of her, tapping him on the shoulder to gain his attention. United States turned his head around to look her in the eyes, although no avail was made at doing so for she had already begun walking towards her office to speak in private. He gladly obeyed her command and followed her. Disobeying the Russian Empire was the last thing he had wanted, especially when her wings were decoratively laced with gold. He knew her wings were paralyzed due to an accident revolving around her and Ottoman Empire, although still, a hit to the face with them would dislocate a jaw.

"You wished to speak with me." He said once he had stepped into her office. Russian Empire nodded, placing her cup of coffee down onto the table with nothing but force, making some spill. Although that seemed to have been the least of her worries. She seemed more stressed out than usual. United States was already suspicious about that the moment she was in a rush to get to her office. The coffee on the table just confirmed that theory.

"Yes. Mr. United States, I wish to speak to you about something," she repeated, looking up at him so they could look one another in the eyes. She quickly fixed her tie before letting out a distressed sigh, "You see, my colony and I lately have been going through some issues," she began, 

"What types of issues?" United States interrupted. Russian Empire struck him a glare, instantly shutting him up and allowing her to continue,

"More like, I need you to take them for me for the sake of keeping them safe from the British Empire." She finished, taking a small stick from her desk and swirling it in her coffee. United stood stunned, not even able to follow the swirling of the stick. He just froze, arms stuck to his side like they were stapled there,

"You want me to take your territories?" He repeated, slowly and hesitantly. Russian Empire nodded and instantly stopped staring. She placed her arms criss-cross on the table and looked down with her eyes closed.

"Yes. Don't make me repeat myself."  She gritted, letting out a frustrated sigh. United hesitantly nodded. He loved her, he truly did, but he wasn't ready to give in to such responsibility so soon after his wife's death. If this were so urgent to the point where she was even asking him to take them, he felt he had to. He couldn't risk leaving them behind only to have their lives taken away as his wife was,

"Alright. Where are they? Is there a personification for it?" He asked, finally feeling the ability to move his arms so they were crossed. Russian Empire opened her eyes and looked up at him, neatly folding her wings behind her back.

"Take a left and there shall be a door with no name on it. That is where they are. You must take them and raise them as your own. I'm counting on you, United. I truly am." 

That last sentence had his heart racing. 

As he was walking down the hall, he just couldn't stop thinking about that last sentence she had given him. She counted on him. She believed in him. He couldn't fail her now. Not after that. Well, he couldn't fail her to begin with, but having her say it out loud made this 5× worse. Now he knew she counted on him.

"Good afternoon." He said once he entered the room with no label. 3 pairs of eyes looked at him, the eldest female sending a shiver down his spine. Her glare stuck him like a dagger for some reason he couldn't explain. The youngest was nothing but a baby, seeming she wasn't even 3 years old. The elder Female held the baby in her arms, sitting on her knees on the floor while the elder Male stood behind her.

"Good afternoon. I'm Margaria, I represent Native Alaska." She introduced, looking down at the baby in her arms. The baby instantly turned her head to rest in her mother's chest, making her smile, "This is my husband, Grigory. He represents Russian America, whatever that is." She rolled her eyes, "And my daughter, Nadezhda." She explained, looking back up at him, "I assume you're the one taking us." She added, making United nod,

"Yes, I am. I'm Ahote although everybody knows me by my country name the United States." He introduced himself. Russian America smiles towards him although made no action of speaking. At this rate, United didn't expect him to speak. "And speaking of that, we should get going." He reminded, looking between the couple. Nadezhda seemed as if she were sound asleep in her mother's arms, but who could blame her? When you had nothing to worry about, you would most likely spend your days sleeping. He knew he would.

Russian America took his wife's hand, helping her get off of the floor. Before they did anything more though, he gently took Nadezhda from her and held her, making her stir a bit although not wake up. Eventually, the two walked out of the room. The two seemed astonished by the fact there was actual sunlight, although he didn't comment on it. He knew the two probably hadn't been out in a while, which seemed a bit harsh on Russian Empire's part.

Just as he was about to leave the building, he felt a hand grip his shoulder. He turned his head around to be met with the Russian Empire. This time, she actually had a smile on her face. A genuine one, "Take care of them, United. I asked you for a reason." She said, making United smile back at her and nod,

"I'll make you proud, Empire." He replied. To the best of his ability, he really would make her proud of him. He would spend all night with them if he had to just to make her feel proud of him. 

If only Russian Empire could see how good her territory was doing now.

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