❝ Don't worry! I'll be your friend! ❞ || 🇦🇺 × 🇷🇺

137 3 14

⁂ This is Moscow × Canberra, not Russia × Australia! ⁂

| 🇷🇺 Moscow ⇾ Cis Male ⇾ he/him/his |

| 🇦🇺 Canberra ⇾ Cis Male ⇾he/him/his |

► Requested by @Rose_was_wrong (if you want your name removed just let me know) }

► Plot — Moscow is upset about not having a friend to talk to when Canberra sits next to him during a G20 conference and starts up a conversation and get to know one another. (Heads up; This chapter begins with Moscow describing his situation/feelings then adds Canberra a little later. You'll know when he comes in because the quotation marks symboling his apperance will be very clear, or as clear as I can make them. You can skip if you'd like or read the entier thing, it is completely up to you. I just wanted to add a backstory to set the plot.) Also, a lot of this story revolves around Moscow's thoughts and backstory, so theres conversation and them grtting to know each other on a basic level, then Moscow explaining a little deeper his answers and feelings. }

► So pretty much, it isn't 100% revolved around Canberra and Moscow's relationship, but rather the two getting to know one another since my big idea was them interacting as friends for the first time. I really didn't want a love at first sight trope or for either character to fall really quickly so this isn't really a romantic relationship based oneshot. }

► Word Count: 3929 [excluding this & above] — 4300 [including]

► This came out 3 weeks later than I wanted it to. }

► I  have 4 other oneshots for this ship in the drafts right now. The amount of times I restarted because I didn't like where the other ones were going is AHH- I didn't feel like any of them were (are) good enough (even this one I'm like "ehhh" when editing it). If you don't like it and want something else with an actual plot, just let me know and I'll make you something. }

► The beginning of this I'm actually okay with. I tried to capture how the current situation in Russia affect Moscow's life both socially and a little mentally and I think I did okay with that so I'm okay with that part. The second feels a little rushed but I still think it's fine. (Also the title seems very unoriginal lol--) }

► Whether the ending of this is platonic or romantic, you can decide. }

►─═  Third-Person POV [🇷🇺]  ═─◄

     Moscow pressed his back against the wall behind him, observing over the different groups of people gathered in scattered sections throughout the room. Every G20 capital was in their respective groups, continents mainly sticking together because they already knew one another, those with similar interests so deep into a conversation about their recent obsessions to even consider anybody else around them, the occational duo since nobody else would hang out with them, the one that bounced around, then the willing loner huddled at the corner seat with their headphones plugged in and their phone close their face so nobody would approach them. It was that point in the meeting where it wasn't chaotic yet and nobody was throwing irrelevant insults just to prove irrelevant points so he could truly take in the calm before the storm.

     All of it made him sick.

     Well not "sick" like he wanted to throw up his lunch, but sick as in that should be him too.

     None of them said a single word to him, not even his allies who he did has a good relationship with when nobody else was there to witness. Yet he watched as Beijing ditched him for Seoul to discuss their current "economic" situation. Absolutely no sights of New Dehli (although ideas of where he ran off to), everybody already knew of Tokyo's introverted behaviour, London scolding DC over his cluster of a desk, and Berlin too busy babbling away with Rome and Paris about the latest hot tea. (Not that that surprised him in any way, shape, or form. The three were always in other people's business, so caught up in other's lives he highly believed they forget they have a life of their own. They were like the mean girls of Europe with no Karen and double the Gretchen.) He didn't know the other guys too much, well he knew who they were and what their personalities were on a basic level, but he didn't know them enough to spark any conversation. Some he even thought disliked him. 

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