❝ Calm Down, Dear. ❞ || 🇰🇵🇰🇷🌸

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⁂ United Korea wakes up from a nightmare and the Korean twins calm her down⁂

| 🌸 United Korea⇾Cis Female ⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇰🇵 North Korea⇾Cis Male ⇾he/him/his |

| 🇰🇷 South Korea⇾Cis Female ⇾she/her/hers |

► In editing as of 7/7/23 }

►  Edited as of 8/7/23 }

►  Chosŏn kinda disappeared and that was my mistake- }

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [🇰🇵]  ═─◄█▓▒░

❝ Calm down, aein. ❞ South Korea spoke in a quiet whisper, smiling down at her younger sister, United Korea, while running small circles on her palm in an attempt to sooth her. She was situated criss crossed on Korea's bed while the younger had her head resting tiredly on her lap and North sat becides his twin holding her other hand firmly to show he was also there. 

The poor thing had gotten a nightmare somewhere throughout the night—something the twins were used to at this point—and woke up a complete mess of incoherence and weeps. She had originally woken up only South Korea, creeping into her room around 2am and shaking her as she silently weeped becides her bed and whispered small comments of pleads. Once South had "awoken", not really because was was still half asleep at the time, she just ended up picking the little one up and cradling her back to her room to settle down with her there. North woke up a few moments later to her trying to calm the younger down and of course joined to help.

While South kept up with her palm and occationally ran her nail down her nose to close her eyes, she gestured over to her brother to help her by nudging his shoulder with her own. She directed her eyes at United Korea after getting his attention and muttered a quiet 'do something'. Now, he'd noticed Korea's mood seemingly not brighten even after a few moments of—what he thought—South's reassuring soothing but he didn't think much of it and simply thought she needed more time.

But he didn't mind at all, gently picking up United up to hold her in a bridal position in his arms and allowing her head to rest gently on his shoulder. He heard South hum in approval but didn't pay her any attention. He only watched as United looked up at the two twin with a small sniff.

❝ Wanna talk about it? ❞ North Korea asked, looking down at her. He patted her midback lightly, not in an attempt to sooth but in an attempt to show her he was trying his best. He wasn't the best with emotions, it was South Korea's job to brighten everybody's moods, so he remained silent in hopes she would take the lead after she spoke.

❝ It was just a nightmare... about the whole war between you guys. ❞ she mumbled. ❝ I wasn't even apart of it but I still see it. ❞ she stuttered on her words but the fact she got any out was good. It meant she was calmer than before.

The twins nodded and looked towards one another. By the saddened look South was giving him, they were thinking the same thing. He would rather forget the war... he couldn't bare the thought of ever going through one again. He doesn't want to even hear the thought of the Forgotten War or go through an experience relatively close to it. And do not get him, or South Korea, wrong. Their experiences under occupation was far more traumatic than some things he saw when the Korean War came into the picture, but being alone without a sister to be with was what made it harder to forget.  And he hoped South Korea would agree but he will never get the courage to ask. 

United Korea was born after the occupation and war which is why she has no memories of either. She was the final child born a few months before their mother's death in 1953 and the twins didn't feel it necessary to force her to choose a sibling so they eventually agree to stay together despite United States and Soviet's hatred of the idea. Well, even they were hesitant. The war was brutal for them, they hurt each other in ways that cannot be described using just words so bringing up the topic of living together and especially concluding to it was one of the most difficult things they have willingly done. But it was the best choice for United... as they say....

❝ Mhm... ❞ South broke the awkward silence by humming. frown. He wanted to know more about her nightmare, South not speaking and only humming showed she did too.

❝ You know, ❞ United began, ❝ You and South were hurt during that time. ❞ United wiped her newer tears away to prevent any more from coming, however, by the looks of it she seemed to have failed and a few more slipped down her cheeks. ❝ I see things. I see you and her and being enemies and scary fighting... and you two hurting each other... ❞ North nodded.

❝ The past is in the past- ❞

❝ Yeah, so let it go. ❞ South chimed in, making United chuckle. North shot her a glare as he began to rock United side to side and tilt her away from the other woman. He leaned a bit forward to talk to her.

❝ Not the time to quote Frozen, ❞ he whispered in a rather aggressive tone. But since she was so uses to it... it didn't faze her. She nodded, although he knew she wouldn't listen. When did she ever listen to him?

❝ Okay, but this is the first time in forever I've gotten to do it, so you need to calm down, ❞ she replied, crossing her arms and huffing. He gave her a stern look, both annoyed yet relieved some light would be brought on into this situation. He didn't think it was the time for this, but at least somebody wasn't unhappy...

❝ South- ❞

❝ But- ❞

❝ No. ❞

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