❝ So, You're a Vampire~ ❞ || 🇷🇴 × 🇧🇬 [edited]

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⁂ Romania x Bulgaria ⁂

| 🇷🇴 Romania⇾Female ⇾She/her/hers |

| 🇧🇬 Bulgaria⇾Female ⇾She/her/hers |

► Requested by; anonymous

► edited as of 1/7/23.

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV [with Romania] ═─◄█▓▒░

Romania slipped her keys into her skirt pocket and stared at her phone screen as she walked passed a group of people walking in the opposite direction as her. Not that there was anything interesting on the screen. In fact, she's been scrolling through the same text messages she's already read and responded to the entire time. She just felt so awkward being the only loner in a place full of lively people and groups of 2–5. In her defence, she didn't want to be here. Bulgaria choose the meeting spot this time and this was the only place she knew by heart. Even though Romania hated it, she agreed because she wasn't going to hurt her friend and ruin a friendship all because of her ignorance to suck up one meeting and see her. It was just the walk from the parking lot was so long, she hates it.

Upon seeing the other woman in the distance, the first thing she noticed and the absolute only thing she noticed was the Bulgaria giving her the the up-most goofiest smile she's ever seen. Gulping, she knew that look far too well and what it could mean; (a) she would surprise her with a hug, (b) say something completely out of pocket. Or (c), both. Quite honestly she'd be fine with a hug over an insanely weird statement despite physical contact not being her favourite.

Romania finally reached her, keeping the fact she was huffing and puffing like she was some big bad wolf to herself. It was embarrassing when others knew you were out of breath from a simple walk uphill. ❝ Whoo, hello Ria. ❞ she greeted, positioning herself with her back pressed against the baseball fence and her left foot kicked up on it to so she could lean without feeling the risk of falling. Bulgaria on the other hand stood across from her with her arms to her sides but clearly showing of energy in her smile alone and how she shifted her position often.

❝ Здравейте! I have a question for you! ❞ She bubbled, singing her words a little. Oh boy... ❝ So... Romania... Are you a vampire like everybody says? ❞ She asked, clasping her arms together excitedly. Damn Romania should have known... Damn Romania did know something insane would come out of her mouth because she knew the other like the back of her hand... Doesn't change the fact the question in itself still took her by surprise, causing her to stumble on her words and take a big step away. She rolled her eyes and huffed aloud so she would get the hint she wasn't happy.

❝ What—No! I'm just a regular country! Where did you hear that? ❞ She spat, giving her an offended look. Transylvania is not the only thing she owned. She had book, she had a life, she had sun. She liked sun. How did this vampire nonsense destroy her?

❝ Right. You're a regular country... With vampire abilities! ❞ She continued, changing her stance to place her hands on her hips move one of her shoulders forward in a triumph sort of way. Like she were better. Romania could tell she wasn't being serious, afterall she's known her for years and this was probably her way of joking around to get a laugh out of her or something but she still couldn't help but feel some sense annoyance. Bulgaria meant no harm, she knew that because she always started conversations through bad jokes or idiotic statements and so she tried to refrain herself from going completely bonkers on her.

❝ I'm not a vampire, ❞ Romania said again, keeping a straight face through it all. ❝ I'm in the sun, am I not? ❞ She kept her keep rather gritted though, causing a much harsher sound than intended. Not that Bulgaria thought logically with her statements sometimes. Reguardless, she nodded, which surprised Romania a little bit but she knew it wasn't over.  It was never over when Bulgaria was involved. She had to shut her up somehow if she wanted her mood to remain pleasant. ❝ If I give you a hug, will you stop asking me. ❞ The word 'hug' alone made Bulgaria's face light up completely and instantly jump into her arms while wrapping her arms around her waist. Her chin rested on her shoulder and a giggle escaped from her lips. Groaning yet still happy, she hesitantly hugged her back and ran her fingers through her hair at an attempt to be comforting.

❝ so, you're not a vampire- ❞

❝ No! ❞

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