❝ Simon Says... ❞ || 🇮🇱 × 🇵🇭

493 5 4

⁂ {female} Philippines x {Male} Israel⁂

| 🇵🇭 Philippines ⇾Cis Female ⇾she/her/hers |

| 🇮🇱 Israel⇾Male ⇾he/him/his |

► In editing as of 7/7/23 }

► Edited as of 8/7/23 }

► Requested by @XTabbiKittiX }

►  This chapter is one sided. It simply revolves around Israel feeling uncomfortable in the situation, Philippines doing things that he doesn't like, and her acting controlling. }

░▒▓█►─═ Third Person Point of View [🇮🇱] ═─◄█▓▒░

     ❝ Simon says, Give me a kiss. ❞ Philippines smirked as and leaned over and gestured to her cheek with her eyes. Israel grunted, taking a big step back and simply looking at her like she were crazy. Well... she was crazy in his mind. Who does she think she is?

     Every second he thought back on his idea to deny playing this game with her was another knot tying in his stomach and a mental slap to his forehead. Why he'd agreed to this with her was so far into the unknown he didn't even dare go looking for it. He never really interacted with her prior or—in all honesty—thought about interacting with her since he didn't feel he had the time. He liked her, don't get him wrong, and he thought she was a decent person from what he's observed so hanging out with her and making a stronger bond wasn't where his issue was. It was what she concidered a friendly 'game'.

     He thought it would be a fun and simple, something to help them know each other more. Would You Rather, This or That, 20 Questions, Two Truths and a Lie, or even simple questions about their lives, family, interests. But it wasn't. This wasn't fun.

     She was quite... persistent with some of her requests and didn't seem to acknowledge any movements or statements he made. When he'd offered to meet in a public space—stating directly to her he much preferred so—after she asked if they could have a game night, she insisted they meet at her place since he made her feel more comfortable being in a place she knows. He wasn't the biggest people pleaser and liked to stick to his general comfort zone but the way she justified her request by bringing up her histor he felt he couldn't refuse without seeming entitled. He wasn't traumatised that way, he didn't have a valid reason on why he wanted to meet in a specific place like she did. He just had a preference. It was selfish to think his feelings were more important than hers because of what she went through compared to him. So he agreed.

     Upon his arrival was when he really noticed something was odd about the other woman. When he moved away or excused himself for a moment she wouldn't really accept that and either gestured for him to join her again or knock on the restroom door if he took more than a few minutes in there. He took it as a sign she didn't want him to abandon her, and he knew about her fear of abandonment so he always returned when she asked. He also understood the fear of being abandoned so he sympathised with her silently. She would ramble so much he could barely get a word in, she would rephrase the questions he refused to answer to make them sound better than the original one to try and fool him but he knew better so he lied on purpose, and didn't accept negativity. To mention, she'd even "spoken" to him once about him simply picking his phone up when she was trying to speak, even though he swears she wasn't speaking at the time he picked it up. He tried explaining he wanted to message his sister but she turned it into a huge deal of him being unhappy so he of course followed her wishes.

     He sat silently, listening to her speak throughout the entire thing. Hours could have passed and he wouldn't have known. He didn't pick up his phone or look away from anything but the TV, her, the deck of cards on the table, or his hands while he fiddled with them. He didn't know if she understood social clues or not and he didn't want to seem rude to ask so he didn't. He tried convincing himself she just didn't understand feelings, or she doesn't know how to have one-on-one interactions to make himself feel better but even his mind couldn't be convinced.

     That's what ended them here, Israel a foot away from her as they sat on her couch and Philippines starting off a round of "Simon Says".

     ❝ That's not how you play. ❞ He protested, moving his right hand up to bite his nails. He debated on walking out right there and then, telling her he had a meeting or lie that his sister needed him so he couldn't stay but when he didn't look at his phone or have an available clock next him it wouldn't be believable. He was aware it would potentially hurt her and it would create an awkward aura next time they both met at one of America's parties too, and quite frankly he wasn't  in the spirit to allow that. Philippines shushed him, moving a strand of her hair behind her ear just to tease him.

     ❝ It is now. Now, Simon says- ❞

     ❝ I heard what Simon said, ❞ Israel repeated, avoiding any eye contact he potentially could with her by hanging his head low. He scratched his cheek before pressing his palm against his mouth. The only second he glanced up happened to be the only second she gave him a disappointed look and a click to her tongue. He genuinely wasn't sure what hurt him more in this moment, the look got or the request she was asking. Both gave him a knot but one seemed to tug a little more.

     He severely hesitated, even backing up a little bit more to distance them but eventually he caved after being unable to escape the pressure of her dissatisfaction. He leaned forwards, holding his hands out to press against the couch and balance himself as he gave her a light butterfly kiss on the cheek. Not even seconds later, he tried to pull back but she leaned forwards to wrap him into a hug and pull him in. The smile on her face seemed more victorious than happy but he didn't look long enough to study and find out.

     ❝ Awww! ❞ 

     Israel puffed his cheeks out, trying to wiggle his way out of her grasp. He was happy he'd made her happy. He was happy he'd gotten this all over with but now he wanted to leave. He'd done his job, he did as Simon asked. The game should end. Right?

     ❝ Ph-Philippines... I had fun, but I want to leave. ❞ he stuttered, attempting to push himself away from her only to be met with her tightly latching onto his wrist. It was clear to him she tried making it seem like a game or she were nieve to the idea he was serious. Afterall, she only gave him a sweet smile. It was like two children fighting when mom was around so they had to act like they weren't, but this was a grown woman doing this.

     ❝ How come? You don't want to do another game? ❞

     ❝ No... No thank you. ❞

     ❝ I don't think you have a choice, ❞ she looked away from him for a second, causing him to try and pull as hard as he could against her grasp and kick himself as far as he could away since he felt she was distracted enough to break free but even that didn't work. It only caused a tighter grip and her nails digging into his skin. He was done playing nice, he wanted to leave. He wanted to fight her. ❝ Afterall... I have a few people who would love to meet you. ❞ And just like, he felt a tight knot around his throat and her smirk being the last image before his vision blurred.

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