"Indeed we will not." | America × South Korea |

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⁂ South Korea x America⁂

|South Korea⇾Transgender + transsexual male|


⇾I've been dead lately so heres one of my otp.

⇾and requests are open.|

░▒▓█►─═ third person POV ═─◄█▓▒░


With a small groan, South Korea clenched his nails into onto his own arm, most likely leaving a scar there. It was a thing he did though when he was hiding his physical pain though, and the amount of pain he was feeling right now was enough to make him scar himself. Unlike every other time where the marks go away instantly. America looked at him with a worried look, pausing what he was doing,

"South, You're the one that has your wings tangled, you have to let me do this." he explained, once again untangling one of his broken feathers. How they had gotten tangled was far beyond him, but all he knew was it hurt to untangle them. South nodded, looking down at his slightly bleeding arm, 

"I know but- ow-" he dug his nails into his arm again as America pulled out another feather. A small tear ran down his cheek as he clutched his eyes shut, "Go on." He remarked. America gave him another worried expression, 

"are you sure you want me to continue?" He asked. He nodded, wiping his single few tears away,

"Mhm..." he mumbled. 

During the simple process of trying to untangle South Korea's wings, he damaged not only his arm from digging his nails into it to ease the pain, but his top lip from biting it. At least he didn't hurt himself anymore then he did, but by the looks of it, it was painful enough on it's own. By this point of time, America has stopped with his wing and wrapping his arms around his waist,

"I'm sorry..." he mumbled, giving him a small kiss on the cheek. South hugged him back, by wrapping his arms around his neck. "Let's do this again, later." America said, placing another gentle kiss on the other's forehead. South huffed,

"Indeed we will not do this again later."

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