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Prego George complaining to SapNap about something that Dream did. This is very wholesome and just cute. I like male pregnancy stories, so I am writing this instead of sleeping. The story is called meanie because Dream was being "mean" to George and that's the thing and yeah other stuff happens. Go back and vote all of my stories, it's the funniest thing to get spammed (you don't have to).

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


There sat a very pregnant George holding his two-year-old in his arms as he told Sapnap stories. "He did not," Sapnap said, faking his surprisingness. "I know. I am surprised too," George said as he rolled his eyes. Sapnap laughed. He listened to these stories every day and each time it brought him more and more joy. "I am pregnant with our second and third child and he has the audacity to ask me to wash my dish," George says as he glares at Dream who was sat in the living room with them shaking his head at these stupid stories. George's mood swings slowly progressed the more pregnant he got. "How dare he make you do such a simple task," Sapnap says with a small smile as George quickly got angry at Sapnap. "Are you taking his side?!?" George asked frantically. Sapnap begins to snicker and so does Dream. George's sudden outburst gave them both joy. "Yes I am," Sapnap simply said. It was a bad move, but the right one. George looked taken aback. "Get out of my house cowboy!" George yelled as Sapnap began to laugh louder. George didn't mean what he said when he was angry and very pregnant, so Sapnap was laughing. After like three seconds Dream starts laughing too. George looked at his husband with wide eyes. "Shut it, Clayton! Or you're sleeping outside with him!" George yelled. The two of them stop laughing for a second to catch their breaths. George is quick to apologize to the two of them. "I didn't mean it! You can both stay. Please don't leave me." The two quickly went over to George and comforted him. George had gotten more apologetic and more clingy over his pregnancy. After the both of them had told George that they'd forgive him George got snappy again. "Get me pickles and cream cheese now," George said and then he held his other baby close in his arms. Sapnap got up and gagged, but went to the kitchen to get George what he wanted. (Okay, but cream cheese and pickles are actually pretty good. But make sure it's hard pickles and not a soft one or else it will taste weird. Anyways back to the story). Dream got closer and put one arm around his husband and their babies. "These are our last children that I am going to have," George said simply as he bounced the two-year-old on his lap. "Why?" Dream asked taken aback (I don't know why I keep saying taken aback but just roll with it okay). Dream loved kids a lot and so did George. "We should make sure these three grow up first and then we can maybe have more," George said as Dream nodded, respecting his opinions. After all, he was the one carrying and bearing the children. Dream has always wanted to either have kids of his own or adopt. They had tried for the first time and the doctors said George couldn't have children and all that jazz. Then they adopted Sapnap when he was seventeen, so they can have a child and someone to care for. A few years passed and Sapnap is now nineteen and they have a two-year-old child and two other ones on the way. Sapnap came back with the food and then George began to eat. "I am going to go clean my room. Y'all do what you want, just don't touch my pizza rolls and ranch (ew, ranch, sorry ranch makes me sick)," Sapnap said as he walked up the stairs. "Can I talk to the babies now?" Dream asked with an excited smile on his face. "Of course," George said. Dream lifted up George's shirt and he began to talk to his children. "Hi! It's me Dream, your father. You're older Sapnap thinks it's weird that I am talking to you all, but whatever. Daddy hit fifteen million subscribers yesterday!" Dream whispered lovingly into his husband's stomach. (I am going to go to sleep, I will finish this when I wake up. Dream rants to the children and then other stuff happens and the story is over that is what I plan to write about lol). George smiled and ran his hands through Dreams' hair as he continued to talk to the children in George's stomach. They spent the rest of the day like this and they talked about what they were going to do in the future. "Thank you for being here with me and thank you for loving me and bearing my children," Dream said as he kissed George. "Thank you for saving me from this world and giving me a better life," George said with a smile. The two sat in silence and then footsteps were heard walking down the stairs. "Y'all did being cute and wholesome and being a loving family?" Sapnap said as he walked down the stairs. They all start laughing.

The story is over. I want to get two out today, so yeah. This one was short and sweet and I hope you enjoyed it. Have a nice day and toodles!

Ya, that's about it. If anybody reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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