Prom proposal

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SapNap and Dream are star football players. George is a nerd and loves to read. George has caught Dream's eye and SapNap and Dream are trying to get his attention, so Dream can take George to prom. This is very cliche, now that I am reading is back lol. I haven't worked on this since October fifth and it's November 2nd so yeah. I guess enjoy this.

This is inspired by a movie that my mum and I were watching. This guy proposed to this girl (straight shit, ew and the guy got rejected too, it was funny) and then I combined my football idea and this one, and bam, you have a prom proposal one shot. Dream is going to be hella extravagant and extra and he is going to write in the skip "George will you go to prom with me -Dream." And he is going to make a large sign and give George plenty of flowers and colorblind glasses so George can see the pretty flowers. Dream is the best man in this one.

A promenade dance commonly called a prom, or a formal in Australian English is a dance party of high school students. It may be offered in a semi-formal black-tie or informal suit for boys, with dresses for girls. This event is typically held near the end of the senior year (the last year of high school).

The portmanteau from prom and proposal is a fairly recent creation only dating back to 2011, and it's a fun new word used to refer to the surprising ways people are asking dates to prom...Promgoers are upping the ante when it comes to securing a date to the prom.

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


"Prom is coming up!" Bad said to one of his best friends, whose name was George. George was about 5"4 in a half (take note), he was not at all like any other people at the school. Everyone loved football since that was the main sport that was played. George did not. To him, football just wasn't that interesting. But the people who played it were a different story (them humans are hawt (hot but with emphasis)). George was openly gay and he may or may not have a big crush on one of the star football players. "Yes it is, what about it?" George said, not even looking up from his book. "Do you plan on going?" Bad asked the smaller boy. "No. Not unless someone asks me to prom and I doubt anyone would do that, so I probably won't go. What about you?" George asked looking up at the taller boy. "Skeppy said we can go as friends! So I am going!" Bad said excitedly. "Aww, that is sweet of him," George said, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "George, just take off your glasses and you'll swoon over any guy," Bad said taking George's glasses off of him and spinning around with them. "Bad, I can't see without my glasses," George says looking around for where bad went. "Just wear contacts for one day and you'll have all the guys swooning and bowing to you," Bad said in a serious manner. "Contacts make my eyes itch and I don't want guys swooning over me," George says with a laugh. "Oh okay, but remember it's always an option," Bad said handing George his glasses and sending him a playful wink. George puts his glasses back on and continues reading. Just then the front doors open to the school. A few people walk in. One of those people being Skeppy. (Just pretend Skeppy is like 6"2 in this one and bad is 5"6. Just pretend). "Skeppy!" Bad said running up to the taller boy. Skeppy hugs him back and holds him in his arms. "Hey bad, how have you been?" Skeppy said with a smile. "Pretty good, I've missed you!" Bad said clinging to the taller boy. "I saw you yesterday," Skeppy said laughing. "I know, but that is way too long," Bad said still clinging to Skeppy's side. George rolled his eyes and sighed. He was third-wheeling. "Well bye bad. I have to go to class and your little friend over here wants your attention back," Skeppy said as he gives bad one final squeeze. And just like that, the taller boy left. (The whole school is in on this prom proposal plan thing by the way). "I have a free period so bye bad," George said with a smile. They said their goodbye's and went opposite ways. The plan was a go. George made his way to the library and down on one of the couches and opened his book. "Hey, George! What's up?!" Sapnap, one of the star football players asked. "Um good?" George asked as he looked up from his book confusedly. "Why the hell is he talking to me?" George said in his head. "H-how about you?" George says quietly. "Eh, pretty good. Same old, same old," Sapnap said with a shrug of his shoulders. George gives him a small smile and then goes back to reading. George wasn't internally freaking out right now, because his crushes best friend was talking to him. Nope, not at all. That was sarcasm. George is freaking out, like a lot. "George? Are you okay? Your breathing has quickened," Sapnap said in a worried tone of voice. "Oh no, I am okay," George said with a sweet smile. "That's why Dream is so in love with him," Sapnap thinks in his head. George was very kind-hearted, well when he wanted to be he was. "So, why did you come to the library? Don't you have class?" George asked as he tilted his head like a lost puppy. "I have a free period just like you," Sapnap said with a quick grin. "Oh, okay," George said as he continued to read. SapNap was going to try to make conversation, but he knew if he talked to George too much he would spoil the secret. The secret was about Dream. Dream had a crush on George ever since the first grade when he came to Florida from England. And they were now in their last year of high school and this was his last chance to confess his love. So what better way than asking George to the prom and then asking him to be his boyfriend. And that's what he was going to do. Just then the bell rang. George seemed unfazed by it and continued to read his book. Sapnap quickly got out his phone and texted Dream. "Are you guys done? The bell just rang," Sapnap typed to his best friend. "Almost," Dream texts back. "Okay," Sap texts back.

Time skip to when George and Sapnap are walking to the surprise. Time skip brought to you by this one-shot coming to a close soon. Time skip brought to you by me taking notes.

"I'm hungry," George says as he walks with Sapnap to the cafeteria. "Food can wait, put this blindfold on, I have a surprise for you," Sapnap says as he hands George the blindfold. George says "Okay?" and then he took off his glasses and put the blindfold on. SapNap holds onto George as they walk down the hall to the surprise. After a few minutes pass and they finally made their way to the surprise. "Why did you stop?" George says as he doesn't feel Sapnaps presences anymore. "Take the blindfold off and put these on (just pretend the colorblind glasses have his prescription in them or something. His vision isn't blurry with the glasses on)," SapNap said as he handed George a pair of glasses. George took off the blindfold and then put on the glasses. (Okay, I changed it so I am now writing on my computer and I have to get this done by six fifty in the morning). George blinked a bit. He looked around with wide eyes. There was a huge sign on the wall that said "Hey George? Would you like to go to prom with me?" From Dream. George was speechless. The text was also in bright rainbow colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple (bad had taught George the colors when bad "bought" him colorblind glasses (Dream bought them, but he was too nervous to tell George)). George then looked under the sign and there sat the majority of his classmates holding flowers. George felt tears fall out of his eyes. "Oh no George, why are you crying?" Dream said as he and bad walked over to the smaller boy. "They are happy tears," George said with a smile as he wiped his tears and his glasses with the sleeve of his hoodie. Everyone stood in silence for a few minutes. "So, it is a yes or no?" Dream said with a flirty smile. "Yes!" George said as he jumped into Dreams arms. Everyone began to cheer with excitement, while they both spun around the room enjoyed one another presences. "Thank you so much Dream, I have never seen him this happy in a while," Bad said with a thankful smile to Dream. "Anytime! I am. happy that he is happy," Dream said with a smile.

And that's where our story ends. Bad and skeppy go to prom as friends and Dream and George go as, I don't know, homies, boyfriends, I am not sure whatever floats your boat. They were all so happy and had a good time. I am not making a part two, because I'm lazy. Anyway, toodles!

Ya, that's about it. If anybody reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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