But I can't help myself

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Dream was the kindest, most "innocent" and nicest person in the office and he is scared (@abztabz07 asked for scared Dre, so I will do that in the first part of this chapter). Of course, when he got home to his boyfriend, he was a whole different person. That's the story. George is at home because he broke his arm and he sprained his ankle (he slipped in the rain) and his frail body was suffering badly from the injury, so Dream has to get home to help him around.

You can join my discord server if you'd like. discord.gg/a7e2Rht . I guess it is fun to just vibe and talk to y'all. Ooo, I want to do a question-answer thing. Ask me questions, don't ask for my home address, my name, or what school I go to. That's the rules.

Half of this story is written on my phone and it's three in the morning right now and I am typing with one hand sideways, so if there are mistakes that's why lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this thing. It might be a little on the long side, so be prepared. This is sort of based on yaoi I read, but not really.

Disclaimer I guess. This one might be a bit steamy, well not really, but just buckle up I guess. This one will be interesting.

The title is based on a song my sister was listening to.

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


Dream was sat in his office chair typing away. He worked in a cubicle with a few other people. Dream always loved coming to work. Something about writing thirty pages documents to his boss gave him that thrill (this is not sarcasm). Dream got up from his desk and went over to the printer. His stuff began to print and he stood there politely watching it (?) I don't know why he stood there politely, but just go with it). (I need a name for the boss. All my friends are sleeping and the ones who aren't are in school. Grr. Be crime, do gay). "Hi Dream," Robyn, Dreams boss said with a smirk. Dream looked up. Robyn was the same height as him Robyn was shorted by like one centimeter. "Oh, um, hi Robyn!" Dream said in a nervous tone of voice. Dream wasn't nervous, it was all part of the act. "What are you doing?" Robyn asks Dream. "Oh, uh, me? I'm just waiting for my documents to print," Dream said with a small smile. "Nice, nice," Robyn said as he stood kind of close to Dream. Dream shifted uncomfortably. "Damn bitch! Personal space!" Dream yelled in his head. "Your papers are done printing," Robyn said as he pointed to the printer (I hear a ringing sound. I am going bonkers). "Ah, thank you," Dream said as he bent down to reach the bottom tray of the printer. Dream got his papers and he was going to be on his merry way. But instead, he ran into his boss's chest, who, keep in mind, was standing too close to his behind. "Oh, I am so sorry sir," Dream says frantically. Robyn just laughed and pinned Dream to the wall. Dream shied away and the push him off and made his back to his cubicle thing. Dream paper-clipped papers and then sat them on his desk (I will finish this in the near future, because right now I'm sleepy and my ear hurts, so goodnight for now). "Dream!" One of Dream's co-workers yelled. Dream quickly stood up frantically and walked to their side. "Can you give these papers to the boss?" Jessica said as he rolled his eyes and handed Dream the papers. Dream grabbed them with a shaky hand and walked to Robyn's office. "What are you doing here?" Robyn asked in a flirty tone of voice. "I-, Um, J-Jessica, told me to turn in these to you," Dream said as he shakily hands his boss the papers. Robyn laughs as he takes the paper from Dream's hand. Dream flinched as Robyn's hand touched his. Robyn just laughs again. "Your such a scaredy-cat," Robyn says as he puts the papers on his desk. "You can go home early today, I know you have to get back home to your cat," Robyn says in his normal deep tone of voice. "Okay, thank you," Dream said as he shivered and walked out of his boss's office. "He's so innocent," Robyn said to himself. Dream grabs his stuff and then leaves the office. He gets in his car a begins to drive. "God damn, that was a hard act," Dream said to himself as he took his tie off and unbuttoned his shirt.

Time skip to when Dream is home with George. Time skip brought to you by me in math class. Time skip also brought to you by this one-shot coming to a close and time skip also brought to you by DreamWasABottomForHalfTheStory.

"George?! Are you home?!" Dream asked as he hung his jacket up. "Yep. Hiya Dream," George says as he limps into the room. "Good," Dream says as he attacks George with kisses. George just giggles. "Is there any I can get for you? Maybe some food, a massage-," Georges rant was cut short, by Dream laughing. "What?! Did I say something wrong?!" George asked frantically. "No George, you didn't say anything wrong. You did forget my name though," Dream teases with a smirk. "(It's about to get sort of spicy, well not really). Daddy~," George says in a seductive tone of voice. Dream spits out his imaginary water and he blushes a dark red. "No, Clay," Dream says blushing as he covers his face with his hands. "Oh," George says as he blushes as well. After a few minutes of solid blushing Dream finally says something. "Have you taken a bath or shower today?" George shakes his head no in embarrassment (cut him some slack, he has a cast on his arm and a sprained ankle). "Well come on, let's give you a bath," Dream said with a smile. Dream covers Georges cast with a plastic bag and then they walk up the stairs. Dream runs the bath for George. "You want bubbles, babe?" Dream says as he takes off his shirt. "Yes please," George squeaks out. Dream begins to pour the stuff that makes bubbles in that bath. George blushed. Nothing was hotter than watching your boyfriend/best friend shirtless pouring bubbles into a bath. "Your bath is done," Dream says with a smile. George nods and takes off his clothes and quickly gets in the bath. Dream gets Georges soap and a loofah (it says it's a plant (Luffa is a genus of tropical and subtropical vines in the cucumber family. In everyday non-technical usage, the luffa, also spelled loofah, usually refers to the fruits of the species Luffa aegyptiaca and Luffa acutangula. It is cultivated and eaten as a vegetable but must be harvested at a young stage of development to be edible. The vegetable is popular in India, China and Vietnam. When the fruit is fully ripened, it is very fibrous) but it is a sponge thing) and begins to scrub his boyfriend. "Stand up," Dream says. "Why?" George asks shyly. "So I can clean your ass you idiot and your legs. You can clean down there," Dream says with a smile. George nods shyly.

Time skip to when George is clean. Time skip brought to you by me being tried and this one-shot coming to an end. Time skip also brought to you by me not wanting to write a detailed description of Dream cleaning George.

George had just finished with his bath and he was putting on clothes. He had his pants on already and he was just struggling to put on his shirt. "Do you need help?" Dream asked with a smile. George had been struggling for about fifteen minutes and Dream had showered in the meantime. "No, I don't," George said as he continued to struggle. Dream laughed at his boyfriend's stubbornness. Dream threw on some sweatpants and then went to go help, George (I have to do quill, I will be right back, I am back). "No!" George says as he pushes Dream away. Dream sighed and then helped George with his shirt. Then they got in bed. "Good night my frail stubborn boy," Dream said with a smile. "Goodnight daddy (this is meant to be in a strange way, not a father-son way)," George says with a smile, and the drifts off to dreamland.

Dream was left hanging if you know what I'm saying (winky face) and George went to sleep. I hope you enjoyed this little story. Toodles, have a wonderful day!

Ya, that's about it. If anybody reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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