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George and SapNap are best friends. George was almost thirty and SapNap was twenty-five. They had been friends for life despite their age differences. SapNap takes George to his house to meet his dad and turns out George was dating SapNaps dad already

I just realized it has been thirteen hours since I have posted ice skating! Time flies by I felt like I wrote that like three minutes ago. Crazy, anyway enjoy this idea I had and I wrote this in thirty minutes because I felt like it lol.

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


"Oh, I'm so excited to meet your dad!" George said as he bounced in his seat with excitement. "He's just an old white dude who looks like he is 23, but he's actually like forty-something," SapNap said as he continued to drive. "I like old white men-. That was a joke. I'm already dating someone," George says with a laugh and SapNap just rolls his eyes. "How come I haven't met him yet?" SapNap asked as they stopped at a red light. "I don't know. He has a son and he said his ex-girlfriend was abusive to him for like a month when she had him and then they broke up. We have been together for like five years or so," George says with a smile. "Have you met the son?" SapNap asked as he looked at George. "No, but he said his son is very nice and is a true gentleman," George says with a laugh, and SapNap laughs too. They continue to drive. "I am not sure how my dad feels about gay people, so you might want to, you know. Cover those," SapNap says trying his hardest not to sound like a homophobic ass wipe. He was truly just looking out for his best friend and he didn't want his dad to beat his best friend up or something like that. "What? You want me to cover my voluptuous hips? Um no, thank you. Your dad with just have to do with my fabulous body," George says with a smile as he flips his hair. Yes, I made George have cake and be curvy. What are you going to do about it? Nothing. SapNap rolled his eyes as he pulled into the driveway. "He is in the shower. We will just wait in the car until he's out to avoid him walking out the shower naked," SapNap says and George just goes along with it. "So what is your boyfriend's name?" SapNap asked as he stopped his car and leaned back in the chair. "His name is Clay," George says with dreamy eyes. "Ah cool. That's my dad's name," SapNap adds and they both shrug. "Probably just a coincidence," They both said at the same exact time. SapNap saw the bathroom light turn off. "Come on. I think he's done and by the time we get to the house he will probably be changed already," SapNap said and they both get out of the car and walk up to the steps of the house slowly. SapNap pulls out his keys and locks his car door and opens the front door. He lets George in first and then closes the door behind himself and looks at it. "I swear to god if your dad is a sunburnt mother fucker who likes to go fishing in their free time I am leaving," George simply says. Period boo. George has better taste than like half the United States of the America. "He's far from it. When I tell you he looks twenty three I tell you he looks twenty three," SapNap whispered as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. They both stand straight as SapNaps dad comes down the stairs. "Hi, dad I am home. I want you to meet my best friend George. He's the one I am always talking about," SapNap said with a smile. George's eyes grow wide and he instantly became flushed with a bright red color. That was his boyfriend. His best friend's dad was his boyfriend of five years oh lord this is going to be awkward. "Oh, nice to meet you, George. Nick has told me so much about you," Clay said with a sinister look on his face as he went to go hug George. "I hope they are all good things," George said with a laugh as he hugged Clay's neck. "Yes, very good things," Clay said as his hands went right to George's ass and he squeezed it. George blushed with a small smile present on his face. "Dad! Get your hands off my best friend's ass! And sorry George he's a hugger," SapNap said and George smiled and Clay continued to fondle with his ass cheeks. "Why can't I touch my boyfriend?" Dream asked as he looked at his son. It all came together now. George had mentioned he was dating someone name Clay. That was his dad. George said his boyfriend was a bit on the older side and he had a son. Sapnaps dad was forty-six years of age and SapNap was that son. SapNaps mom was abusive. The puzzle came together and SapNap smiled. After so long his dad found someone and it would take some getting used to that his dad was dating his best friend, but hey love is love if they are both of the legal age and consent to it! SapNaps smile turned into a sinister grin. George gulped. He got that from his father. "Well, y'all have fun making babies. I am going to go play Minecraft or some shit," SapNap said as he started to walk up the stairs. Flustered noises were heard from Georg and Clay laughed. "Oh and George?" SapNap asked with a smile. "What?!" George spat back. SapNap then added something that will end the story on an interesting note. "Don't be too loud."

This was supposed to be done tomorrow, but I got carried away with the starting bit and just ended up writing the whole thing on my phone instead of the computer lol. I was just in the flow of this and wrote the whole thing. Well, I am going to go back to sleep. Thank you for reading this and I hope your day is good! Toodles friends!

Ya, that's about it. If anybody actually reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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