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George had been dating a demon and had been an outcast in heaven. Everyone would either mock or tease him because he had the mark of a demon. One day George is sick of everything and goes to his boyfriend, who is the ruler of the underworld and they walk around heaven all lovey-dovey. This is a bit random. I just realized Dream is the underworld leader a lot in my stories lol.

Okay, a bit of a backstory. I got this idea from another one of my fanfics. George is an angel, he has wings and he can fly, but with the black mark on his wings (from Dream) he is prohibited and can't fly. Angels who have been marked by a demon with a black symbol are outcasted and are "sinners" of society. They either stay outcast for the rest of their life or they get sent to earth. That's about it. I hope you enjoy this!

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


If an angel had been touched or gotten near a demon, their wings would turn a black color. If they just got near one the black would be small. But if they touched a demon one time or multiple times they would have the mark that the demon as. Since Dream is the ruler of the underworld his mark is demon horns and a crown and George has his mark on his wings. George was looked down upon and outcasted for the reason and that reason alone. George couldn't go anywhere without him being mocked or having rocks thrown at him. George walked along the road with his wings tucked in and his head held high. George could never let them ruin his day, he just couldn't. Because at the end of the day those people who mocked and ridiculed him couldn't get rid of his main source of happiness. That happiness coming from his immortal (living forever; never dying or decaying) boyfriend, the ruler of hell. George was trying to make his way over to the gates between heaven and hell. George wanted to see his boyfriend, so he had to either ask the guards to let him through or sneak through the gates. There was a big golden gate that no one could fly over even if they tried and there was a fence that would shock you if you tried to get over that. George made it to the gates and stood there in front of the two guards. "Damnit," George said in his head. His two favorite guards that always let him through arent working right now. "Why are you here?" One of the guards said as they both stand up. "I want to cross over the bridge," George said shyly. He didn't want to get mocked so of course, he hid them. One of the guards started laughing. George looked down a bit, he hated when people laughed at him. "We will let you threw but you won't survive in hell," The guard who was laughing said as they opened the gate and pat George's head as he walked through. "Are you sure we should let him go?" The more sensible guard said nervously. "He wanted to go in hell, so he will die in hell," The other one said as he shut the gate as George walked through the other one. George walks around for a bit. Hell was surprisingly more homey and welcoming than heaven. Hell wasn't red. Actually, one thing was red and that was the palace, but besides that everything was green and full of life. Everyone was very expecting here and everyone was treated like family. Besides you know who. He is in the depths of hell as is to never come out until the end of the world. George walked on the dirt road as he looked at the scenery. There was this beautiful tree at the entrance and George always saw little children playing on it having a blast. George made his way over to the palace and opened the door. The palace was a place for people to hang out or stay if they had no family in hell yet. Dream always made sure everyone was safe and everyone had a home. Even though he was the ruler of a place where people if they have done wrong or if heaven didn't want them, Dream was still very nice and loved all. "Good morning George!" A voice said. George turned around and saw Dream's little sister. "Good morning Drista! Do you know where Dream is?" George asks as he picks her up. Drista was taller than George, but George always babied her. "He is in his throne room, he just had the people of hell come in for a dinner party," Drista said as she got out of George's arms. "Oh okay thank you," George said as he continues on with his journey through hell. "Why was he having a dinner party its ten in the morning," George thought to himself as he continued to walk. After a while, George made it to the throne room entrance. There was music playing, people dancing and overall just people having a wonderful time. George walked past a few people and saw his boyfriend holding a small child in his hands. "I cant take care of them," The lady said sadly as she looked at her baby. "It's okay," Dream said as he bounced the child. "Can you take him and give him a better life King Dream?" The lady asked desperately. "Of course I can and I will make sure your bills are paid for the next year, so you can worry about other things," Dream said with a smile. The lady thanked him and then went into the crowd. "King Dream huh?" George said as he walked up to his boyfriend. "Oh, hi babe, when did you get here, uh, we have a child now-," Dreams rant was cut short by George snickering. "I got here a couple of minutes ago and what's the child's name?" George asked with a smile as he took the baby in his arms. "Um, I am not sure whats its name. Allyn is a cute name," Dream said as he went to take Allyn out of George's arms. "I want to hold them," George said as he sat down on the ground and Allyn played with his fingers. Dream sat there and he pouted.

Time skip a couple of years, Allyn is now ten (he was two in the scene before) and he going to heaven for the first time, so George can change his thing, so his home is now in hell, so he can watch Allyn grow up in a safe environment. Time skip brought to you by this story coming to a close soon. Time skip also brought to you by me listening to lemon boy.

George held onto Allyn's hand as they crossed the bridge. George and Allyn made threw the gates and to the main office where George would explain to the person, he was no longer going to be a citizen of heaven. Allyn was pretty small for his age and he had decently sized horns on his upper forehead and he had a long tail that was a blackish-red color. George got strange looks as he walked with Allyn's small hand in his own. (George is mommy because I said so). After a while of walking George finally made it to the main office which was basically a palace. George walked in as held his child close to him. "What brings you here today?" The front desk person spat out at George. "I want to take my citizenship away from this place," George simply said. The person raised their eyebrows in a questioning manner. George lifted Allyn up and placed him on his hip. "Oh," The front desk person said as they looked at the horns and tail on Allyn. The person wrote a few things down and then asked George a question. "Why do you want to no longer have your citizenship?" "Well I want to see my baby grow up and I want to be with my finance," George said with a smile. The persons typed that into the computer. "Okay, your citizenship has been revoked you are free to go,"  The person said.

And just like that George was free from the cruel and judgemental society he lived in. He could finally be with his son and fiance. I hope you enjoy this. I hope yall are enjoying MCC and sorry this was kind of as cheeks. 

Ya, that's about it. If anybody actually reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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