Self conscious

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Thank you for all the support recently it means so much to me and I love every single one of you as my children. Much love and stay safe my beautiful children.

And since it is that time of year again, I have to put effort into my Halloween special. Which will probably be out, like a few days before Halloween, because I have a debate tournament that day.

This was a request from @Diamond_088, they said "I have a request😁. Ship-Poly Dream Team--They all have been dating for three months they all know what each other looks like, but they don't know what Gogy looks like. And they decided to meet. Dream and SapNap meet at the park first and wait for Gogy. Meanwhile, Gogy is on his way there and he is feeling self-conscious about his looks as he was short and he had light freckles here and there. George was scared that they would make fun of him. Once they meet Sapnap and Dream admire George and compliment him. Then they spend the rest doing whatever. Sorry if it's long 😅," I have a soft spot for these types of stories, so if you seem them a lot, that is why.

Hi, welcome this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated, and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.


Sapnap, Dream, and George have all been dating for about three months now and they have all never been so happy. The three of them had all meet online and fell in love with one another. Sapnap and Dream had met before and they wanted to meet George, but he said that he lived in the UK and couldn't visit them. George was only half lying. He did live in the U.K when he was younger at least. When he was fourteen he moved to America. He moved to a small town in Florida, which happened to be the town that Sapnap and Dream lived in. George did love Dream and Sapnap dearly, he was just afraid that they would love him back after finding out what he looks like. George wasn't your ideal twenty-year-old. He was very short for his age, he wasn't strong, he didn't have any muscle at all, George had rosy red cheeks (face cheeks) and the "worst" part of all was the fact that George had light freckles, that covered his whole body. And now we are here, with George, Sapnap, and Dream all on a call together talking about meeting up at a local park. "Sorry, guys I can't come. I live in the UK remember," George says with a smile. The three were chatting on discord and both Sapnap and Dream had there cameras on, but George did not. "No you don't, I check the snap map thing and it says you live down the street from me and Dream (I don't know if that's how the snap map thing works, because I don't have snap chat lol)," Sapnap says honestly. "I-I can explain," George tries to say. "We can all meet up today at three o clock. We will go to the sunflower park. I will see you guys there," Dream says excitedly and, like that the three of them signed off. "Oh, what will i wear? What will they think of my freckles?" George questioned. George was definitely freaking out. George was five foot and three inches. What if they didn't like him for his height? What if he wasn't strong enough? George grew very insecure and self-conscious about how he looked. "No, they aren't judgemental, don't think of those bad things," George says to himself. "Now what should I wear?" George asked to himself. "Go big or go home. Umm, I am going to go big!" George says smiling to himself. George went to his drawer and opened it. George pulled out a little pink crop top and white skinny jeans (go off queen). George puts on the crop top and the jeans and then grabs some white shoes. "Oh, I got this," George said with a smile as he gets his keys for his apartment and his car keys and then walks out the front door. George locks his house and puts on his pink glasses. George unlocked his car and got in.

Time skip to when George is at the park but still in the car. Time skip brought to you by me in English class and me being tired.

George had been sat in his car for about an hour now, trying to muster up some courage. George then received a message from Dream. "George are you here?" The message said. George let out a shaking breath. "Yes, I have been here for a while. Just trying to muster up the courage to get out of my car," George typed with a smile. "Okay, whenever you are ready. You can come out of the car, we are under the big oak tree," Dream typed back. "Okay, I will be there soon," George typed back. George sighed. "Let's do this thing!"George says to himself. George gets out of the car and takes his keys out of the engine. He shut the car door and locked it. George pulled down his crop top and flattened his pants a bit. George sees the two sitting under the oak tree talking. George walks to the two shyly. He held one arm with the other. George then grew sort of self conscious, because he saw the freckles on the arm. George finally makes his way over to the two boys. Both of them look up at George. "Hi?" George says in a confused tone. "George!" Sapnap said getting up to hug the smaller boy. Dream did as well. "Oh my, your even cuter than you sound," Sapnap says kissing George's forehead. George's rosy cheeks got even redder. "Aww, look at your freckles," Dream says poking George's freckles. "I have some, but they are only on my face and my shoulders," Dream says with a smile. George watched the two with love filled eyes. "You guys are very tall," George says looking at the two taller boys. "Your so small," Dream says squeezing George's slender frame. "I love your crop top, it looks very cute on you," Sapnap said kissing Georges stomach. George was flushed with a red color from all of the compliments and how the two admired him. "You guys are so wonderful and handsome, i am glade taht we are dating," George says with a smile. "Me too," Both Sapnap and Dream say.

And like that our story ends. George is finally happy and feels good about himself. And Dream and Sapnap are happy to see there boyfriend. They spend the rest of the day cuddling under the big oak tree. I hope that y'all enjoy this.

Ya, that's about it. If anybody actually reads this, you request if you want. Bye and always remember this is a safe place for you to be yourself and love who you are. So I hope you have slept well, eaten enough today, staying hydrated and getting enough time outside. This is now your happy place. If someone ever reads this, tell me how your day was. Well and another daily reminder that you are a beautiful smart little muffin and I hope you have a wonderful day/night or evening, whatever you prefer. And feel free to request if you want. But I only do fluff, because my heart can't take pain right now. /) have a nice day and stay safely hydrated.

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